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These were men who gathered at Yart's tent: commander Alba, chief commander Persus, Elder Yart, Elder Ferdil, Sema also called the unnamed and of course the prince.
Chief commander Persus flung a massive map over the table of which the men sat around.
He was about to speak but the prince placed his hand over his shoulder.
Persus turned to the prince whose features were safely hidden behind his cloth mask. The prince gave Persus a subtle nod. In obedience, Persus stepped away from the map.
"thank you my lords for honouring my summon.
For five years, we've defended our homeland from the Alcrons and each year our numbers dwindle and somehow theirs increase.
They have succeeded in pushing us further and further away from the border. Today's attack on our encampment proves one thing, we can no longer defend, with our dwindling numbers and their increase, this war will inevitably spread to other parts of the world.
We need to attack and we need to attack now ".
Commander Alba raised his hand, the prince gave him a nod of approval.
"forgive me my prince but shouldn't we await the return of the enchanter before taking such huge decision ".
The prince fell quiet for a while. When he responded, his voice was grim
"if we don't make a decision, the enchanter will have no place to return to".
He turned to the unnamed.
"what do you think? "
The unnamed stared at the masked prince for a while.
"it matters not what I think, I shall obey your orders "
The prince turned to Yart.
"what do you think Elder "
"if you have a solid plan, then follow through with it, I and Ferdil shall travel all over the face of the earth to ensure other nations realize the extent of this threat and help fight it".
"thank you Elder" the prince acknowledged.
"you fear for spread of this threat to other nations? "
The prince turned towards the direction of the voice, it came from Ferdil
The prince gave a deliberate nod.
"I fear it already has"

King Exratia followed closely by his governor sprinted through the long winding stairs of the observatory.
Usually, the sixty-eight year old loved to hike the stairway in majestic fashion but it couldn't, not with the threat looming.
They had come, the monsters the prince of Xan had written to him thrice about. They had invaded his kingdom.
In record time, he achieved the apex of the observatory, a two mile long structure which was easily the tallest building in the kingdom of Namath.
Most impressive was the fact that the structure was built on water.
Namath was a relatively small kingdom which was entirely built on water.
The foundation of the buildings in Namath were made of travertine and these large stones were driven deep into the sea-bed to serve as foundation for the kingdom.
King Exratia watched in horror as half decayed, half mutilated and almost demonic creatures rowed towards his kingdom in roughhewn boats.
King Exratia was visibly shaken, Namath had no formal army for they were predominantly fishermen and only had a small militia to help keep the peace.
Prince Johann, son of king Exratia, prince is Namath and leader of the militia hurried men, women and children into the ship, they stood no chance against the monsters of Alcrons as they were out numbered eighty to one at the very least, their best option was to flee.
He tried to shut out the almost painful ringing of warning bells which blared throughout the entire kingdom.
Clearing out the entire city and it's inhabitants would take at least a week but they had just four days before the monsters of Alcrons crossed the sea of fish and got to them.

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