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"The last will and testament of King Reban my father was to let you go. You are a free man. You are free to walk out of this cell and live your life whichever way you please".
The unnamed remained rooted in his position
"But you can't can you? Because deep down you know you deserve to die. Death is your only chance of escaping the pain and guilt that continually gnaws on your soul.
We both know that if you leave this cell, you will only end up committing suicide.
So this is my offer, you know first hand what the monsters of Alcron are, without help we shall all perish.
What am offering is the chance to die fighting for good. If you accept, I shall meet you in this cell tomorrow. Otherwise, you're free to leave tonight.
I have issued orders your departure is unopposed.
The cell door shall stay open".
With those words, the prince and his cheif commander exited the dungeons.

Rutherford was still waiting in the Prince's chambers when the royal burst in closely followed by his cheif commander.
The prince looked at Rutherford. The expression on his face was safely hidden behind his mask.
If the mask discomforted Rutherford in anyway, he did nothing to show.
" You are the solider that intends to leave".
Rutherford unintentionally produced an apologetic sigh.
"Forgive me your highness but I need to find my .."
"Family" the prince completed.
"I have been filled in".
"Then you understand why I need to go".
The prince took a step towards Rutherford.
"If we do not make a stand and fight, it won't matter if you find your family or not.
The entire world will burn and you will have to watch your family die while being powerless to stop it.
We ride at dawn, you may do as you please".
Gob slept in one of the more comfortable rooms in the palace. He found himself sixty yards away from a replica of himself which was kneeling before Safara.
It was the scene where he had killed Safara. He raced towards his replica in an attempt to stop Safara's murder.
He was a hair's breadth from knocking the dagger from his replica but he was too late. The deed was done seconds before he could intervene.
Safara doubled over with the dagger of men embedded in her gut. She turned to face Gob.
"You killed me "
Gob woke sweating.
The hall of kings was a tomb meant for the burial of royals. It was here the remains of King Reban was laid to rest.
The prince walked into the Hal of kings unaided. He had mentally prepared himself for this encounter. Courageouly, he marched towards his father's but one look at the plaque on which his father's name was engraved, the prince broke down crying as he remembered his father's last words to him.
"Am sending you to war, you may not return to see me alive but I have no doubt you will make a great king just as you are a great warrior".
The prince fell on his knees.
"I won't fail nor will I disappoint you father".
By the time the prince left the hall of kings, all traces of tears had vanished, it was replaced by the zeal to live up to expectations, the zeal to make his late father proud.

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