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Flame covered the "runway" with tremendous speed, such which caused dust to unsettle.
The prince with practiced motion and a glint of dare stood atop the unicorn's back while grasping tight on the reins.
" Flame now!!" the prince yelled.
Instantly, Flame came to a halt hurling the prince through the air.
The prince gained composure in midair. he glided through the air and when he fell into the ship, he assumed a kneeling posture with his sword thrust into the metal floor of the ship.
When he rose, he rose with confidence.
He was a fighter in top form and he knew it. A small number of Alcrons who had noticed him charged towards him but he dropped them like sacks of sand.
He broke into a run while simultaneously easing his grip on his blade.
Effortlessly, he began to rotate the blade using the hilt as a pivot.
His blade cut through Alcrons like knife through butter.
Prince Johann tore through Alcrons with his twin daggers, there was little or no skill in his movement, just an angry man hacking through the savages that murdered his father and turned his people into fugitives.
The side of his eye caught a stranger on his ship.
He was astonished, the distance between his ship and shore made it virtually impossible for anyone to get aboard.
But whoever it was, was an outstanding swordsman.
The stranger fought his way towards him and both men stood back to back.
The prince leaned his mouth towards prince Johann's ear and spoke.
"you're too young to be king Exratia so I take it you're his son, where is he?"
"dead, few days old"
"am sorry" the prince consoled sincerely
Prince Johann disregarded his condolences.
"your mask, you're the prince of Xan aren't you?"
The prince nodded once.
Johann remarked. He turned to his governor.
"have the men board smaller boats and sail for shore. I and the prince of Xan shall hold the enemy.
the governor was in shock
"just the both of you? "
Prince Johann cast the prince a look and the prince nodded once.
"the both of us shall be enough"
Prince Johann affirmed.
The prince of Xan  and the prince of Namath worked like a well oiled machine.
Prince Johann's weapon had a shorter
range so he used it to dispatch the Alcrons who managed to escape the princes' blade. As promised, they held the line while the Namathies escaped.
Soon, they became overrun. The sheer number of the Alcrons became impossible for just both of them to hold off.
Persus observed this from the shore.
"archers" he yelled.
Instantly the squadron of archers fell into formation.
He equally grabbed a bow of his own.
"cover the prince, Fire"
The squadron of archers and himself let loose their bow strings, allowing their arrows to fly.
The Alcrons surrounding both princes  dropped to the ground as the arrows struck them.
Persus calculated the distance between the prince's ship and the shore and it wasn't long.
All he could do was provide both princes sufficient cover and hope none of the archers hit them by accident.

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