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Persus sashayed into the encampment's barracks with his belongings. His demotion to foot soldier entailed sharing the general barracks with other foot soldiers.
The general in charge of the unit scuffled hastily towards him and bowed.
Persus regarded the middle aged general with a scoff.
" I am no longer your superior, infact am quite the opposite."
The general laughed in return,
"I have watched you on the battle field several times, in my eyes you will always be my superior".
Persus shook his head in mild amusement as he walked past the general.
He stepped into the barracks to find the soldiers on their feet and clustered in a corner.
He had no interest in them so he  fell into the nearest bed and dozed off.

Prince Cirrus gazed stoically at the setting sun while his mind wandered haphazardly. So distracted was he that for the first time, he failed to hear footsteps approach him.
"You are tensed"
A voiced noted from behind him.
He sprang in mild shock to face the intruder only to find a worried look plastered over Dawn's face.
He wanted to pour out his pains to someone he loved, he longed for Dalian not Dawn.
"I will be fine".
He declared and returned to gazing at the setting sun.
Dawn drew close to him and tentatively wrapped her arms around him from behind.
Prince Cirrus could feel the fear oozing off her but he did nothing. Instead, he allowed himself to relax under her touch.

Persus lay motionless on his bed while the loud cries of training rang in his ears. He had exempted himself from training and no one did as much as cough about it.
He heard footsteps approach his bunk but he thought nothing of it. Only when the general's voice boom did he lend his attention.
"Grand commander, you have a visitor."
"Who?" Persus answered uninterestedly
"I believe she's the queen of Asuzi"
Immediately, Persus sat upright.
"Where is she?. "
"Am here my love" The blond queen called from behind the general.
Persus wasted no time in racing from the bed into her arms.
"I was afraid you had lost interest in me"
"Why would you think that?"
"My demotion for one"
The blond queen smiled loving at the soldier.
"Well, I hate to disappoint you, am actually glad you were demoted."
"Why is that?"
"So you would have more time to spend with me, besides you were constantly weighed by your responsibilities."
"I still feel responsible"
"I know but for now I want you to enjoy your new found freedom with me, although limited."
Persus grinned mischievously.
"In that case, what do you have in mind my lady?"

The closer Gob got to dragon village, the more he lost connection with his dragon spirit. He drew his horse near Rymeia, the elderly man noticed this and slowed his pace to match Gob's.
"Tell me about the dragon, where did they come from?"
Rymeia pondered a bit before responding, an act common amongst the elderly.
"The first dragon lord Kimuro lived seven thousand years ago, how he got his powers is unknown, however he used it to liberate our people and laid the foundation of which the dragon village was built.
Since then, the dragon spirit has randomly chosen Indigenes of the dragon village to protect the community."

Gob mulled over the situation for a while before speaking.
"Is it possible am from the dragon village?".
"The thought crossed our minds but unfortunately you are not. Both your parents are completely Verlain".
Gob went mute and continued his journey wordlessly, he wished he could connect with the dragon cave so he could ask the dragons why they chose him but he found no link whatsoever to his predecessors.

Yart awoke in the middle of the night with a jolt, he instinctively reached for his pipe and lit it.
He scanned the tent and found Ferdil sleeping on the ground in nothing save his under garments.
Yart shook his head in disapproval, he wondered how his elder brother managed to grow old without growing up.
It was then a solider saluted from outside the tent.
"My lords, the crown prince requests your presence in the strategy tent".
"we shall join him shortly".
Yart literally had to carry a sleepy and reluctant Ferdil all the way to the strategy tent.
The curtains of the tent were thrown open and already seated was prince Cirrus, Rutherford, Sefth, the unnamed, the twin queens of Asuzi, prince Johann and king Harpiscus along side his son. Yart steered himself and Ferdil towards their seats, as they moved, he surveyed the room.
The two seats beside the prince obviously belonging to Persus and Gob lay empty. However there was another absentee, the enchanter and Yart was certain he was waiting to make a dramatic entrance.  
As expected, the candles went off and the tent instantly went dark. When the light came back on, the enchanter was seated on his seat with his vulture perched atop his shoulder.
All eyes fell to the enchanter in absolute dismay, the stares were only broken when the prince's voice broke out.
"Lords and ladies, thank you for honoring my invitation on such short notice. I do not wish to keep you any longer than necessary so I'll go straight to the point.
For years we have played defensive against the enemy so as to understand what they are and their motives. We had hoped to contain them unfortunately they grow larger in number by the day and our numbers dwindle.
Our enemy have begun to spread to other parts of the world and if we do nothing, the world world as we know it will be destroyed.
This is why I strongly suggest we take the fight to the enemy, hit them with all we have before it's too late".
The tent went quiet for a long time before the red haired queen spoke. 
"I agree with your plan but I think we should seek support from other nations".
A few heads in the tent nodded in agreement.
Prince Cirrus wasn't hesitant in his reply,
"We have sent for help for years. Many nations do not believe the tales of a wraith army and those that do are too afraid to come to our aid. We are alone in this war".
He allowed the words to sink in before continuing.
"My army and I will ride against the enemy in three days, who shall ride with me?"
"I shall ride with you".
All heads turned towards Sefth.
"And I" Prince Johann affirmed.
"And I".....
One by one, everyone present on the tent gave their consent.
Prince Cirrus allowed himself to smile behind his mask but then we realized he'd be leading them to their deaths, instantly, his smile turned to sadness.
"You cannot attack the enemy"

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