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Dalian stayed quiet as princess Eveliet eyed her venomously through the entirety of their journey Until she could take it no longer.
" If you have something to say, spit it out"
" You are right, I'd like nothing more than to spit at your ugly face.
You have no shame do you?, it wasn't enough that your father influenced my mother's death by encouraging my father to practice magic, neither was it enough that your step brother killed my father or that your brother scared my brother for life.
It wasn't even enough that entrapped my brother in your witch-like clutches now you hunt after the man I love.
You are utterly shameless".
"Do you really want to trade blames? " Dalian returned
"Fine let's trade blames".
" Your father ordered the execution of my brother which my father carried out himself, they didn't even give him a quick death.
Your bastard of a father had him thrown into the bottomless depths of the bowel so he could starve to death.
After witnessing that, I walked away from my father and my family.  For fifteen years I slaved at the barracks kitchens all because of your wretched family".
Soon, the argument turned into a series of frantic screams with one woman trying to out-shout the other.
Flame stopped abruptly causing inertia to jerk the women forward.
His neigh was loud as he turned his neck towards the women. He wasted no time in baring his teeth at them in anger.
The prince had put him in charge and he demanded silence.

Gob had gallons of distilled ethanol poured all over the gates.
He waited for the Alcrons to break through the gates before giving the order.
Flamed arrows flew straight for the ethanol which puddled on the ground.
The result was a giant fire which rose high into the skies.
He and his men fell back to the second layer of the fortress.
The Alcrons mindlessly attempted to pass through the fire but the fire incinerated them.
Gob made sure his men shot down any rouge Alcron who somehow managed to escaped the inferno.
This lasted for hours and ofcourse it drastically reduced the Alcrons number.
Gob looked towards the skies, the sun had risen, it was a new day.
He was certain it wasn't their day to die.
With confidence, he yelled
Twenty five thousand men drew their blades.
The prince watched in near admiration as Gob's plan worked to perfection.
He drew his blade alongside the twenty-five thousand men who fought with him.
As soon as the inferno died down the Alcrons mindlessly attacked.
The Alcrons whom the archers couldn't get were mercilessly hacked by the army.
Gob made no moves to attack, the plan was smooth, whatever the archers couldn't get to were cut down by swords men.
When he was confident their numbers had significantly dwindled, he ordered for attack.
Just like that the Northern fortress defeated a host of Alcrons without loosing as much as ten men.
Gob narrowed his eyes as he rounded his inspection on the fortress.
Thousands of Alcron bodies covered the ground as far as the eye could see, he knew the battle was too easy which could only mean something nastier was heading for them. He required sleep so he could commune with the dragons.
It was then he felt the Prince alongside Persus approach him.
He didn't hesitate to bow to the royal.
"kneel" the prince ordered
Gob was confounded still, he did as the royal ordered.
The prince of Xan drew his blade which reeked from the blackish blood of the Alcrons.
For a moment Gob's mind ran wild with the idea of a possible execution.
The prince placed his blade in royal fashion on the general's shoulder
"I Prince Cirrus, son of King Reban, descendant of King Aldegario and crown Prince of Xan choose you General Gob as Lord commander of assassins.
You may rise".
Gob rose, he had no idea what the position meant but could decipher from the shocked expression on Persus's face that it was exceptionally important.
Prince Cirrus sheathed his blade and walked away.
Persus glared at Gob with the purest of spite before trailing behind the prince.
Gob was perplexed,he pondered what the position "Lord commander of assassins" meant but found no answer.
I needed answers, there were only two individuals in the fortress who would give him the answer he sought, the Prince and Persus.
He braced himself as he made his way to meet grand commander Persus.

He found the grand commander in the armoury as he wiped off Alcron blood from his pair of shiny shields.
He wasted no time in approaching the grand commander.
"Leave least I snap your neck like a twig"
The grand commander threatened 
Nevertheless, Gob stood his ground.
"I'll leave as soon as you tell me what I want.
The Prince made me Lord commander of assassins, what does that mean?"
Persus scoffed in pure annoyance.
"You are truly a witless dimwit. That position Cirrus bestowed on you just made you the third highest ranking official in Xan only behind himself and I".
Without thinking, Gob sought out the Prince.
He found Prince Cirrus on the watchtower surveying the scene below.
Tentatively, he approached.
"Your highness". He began
"You just made me the third highest ranking in the army. Why? "


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