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Gob lay in the snow, he was stripped to his bare essence, the princess's guards had made sure of that.
He cradled himself as he attempted to fight the icy embrace of the night but the cold enveloped him anyway,  soon he was shivering violently.
As he slowly lost himself to sleep he could hear Safara's voice calling to him.
He endeavoured to stay awake and avoid the confrontation with the ghost but he was too weary.
The deeper he fell into the powerful claws of sleep the louder Safara's voice became.
Soon her words became rattlingly clear and distinct.
The words were
"Gob must die ".
Gob found himself in a temple the very temple Safara had often tormented him in.
He was bound in heavy chains with no seeming means of escape.
He could hear footsteps, they were slow and deliberate, he was certain it was Safara.
It didn't take long for Safara to emerge into view. She had snakes for hair,  scales for skin all of which gave an eerie devilishness to her appearance.
She was armed with an unusually large snake fang.
Gob didn't bother with escaping, he was well a worn of living especially under such horrendous conditions.
He stared at Safara with no fear whatsoever.
"you no longer fear me" Safara shrieked.
"you took everything from me: you took my heart, you took my love even took my life but gave nothing in return, not your heart,  not your love, not even your fear".
He was a dead man and he knew it, he had nothing to loose so he confessed.
"I love you Safara. Despite everything you've always had my love. If killing me will make you rest easy, by all means do so".
Tears fell from Safara's scaly face.
Gob felt the shackles in his wrist release. With his hands unbound, he pulled Safara's into his embrace.
Safara buried her face on Gob's chest and sobbed.
Gob held on tight to her, when he  disentangled himself from her, she no longer looked like a demon.
The snakes on her hair had vanished and it was replaced by her long blonde hair.
The scales on her body were replaced by her well toned skin.
She was every bit as beautiful as the day he first met her.
Without thinking, he pulled her into a kiss.
"am sorry for everything" he implored.
Safara smiled at him, "I know you are. Come".
With that,  she grabbed him by the hand and raced towards the trees.

Sefth and Rutherford made their way to the prince's tent, both men trembled.
For such a high ranking royalty to send specifically for them was nothing short of fire being on the mountains.
The guards announced and ushered them into the tent.
Both men scanned the insides of the tent.
The prince was seated behind his strategy war table, beside him was his best friend and grand commander, Persus.
On the table was an unusually large Hawk.
Both Sefth and Rutherford bowed to the prince in standard military fashion.
Although the prince's face was covered with a mask, his voice rang out and clear.
"thank you gentlemen for coming on such short notice. This messenger hawk arrived with three of these for both of you and a man named Gob".
The prince held out a piece of parchment to each of them.
With some degree of caution, both men tore open the parchment and read the contents of the letter.
"I am in need of your help, follow the Hawk.
Make haste.
Both men shared glances.
The prince's voice broke out once again.
"Am afraid Gob is under my sisters command and shall not accompany you but there are two horses waiting outside with enough food to last you gentlemen a fortnight.
Give my regards to the two old men".
"thank you your highness "
Both men chorused.

Gob laid on Safara's lap while looking at her face, she was a beauty.
Suddenly she took his face in her hands and cradled it.
He could notice the change in her countenance.
"are you alright? "
Safara offered him a smile. It's time for you to go".
Gob was confused.
"why do I have to leave, it's isn't even dawn"
"your princess is close"
Gob was bewildered
"Eveliet?, she's not my princess..."
Before he could complete his sentence, Safara delivered a kiss to his forehead.
The kiss jerked him out of the dream. It took him a moment to get his bearings.
He soon realized he was face to face with Princess Eveliet and more, he was buck naked.

Princess Eveliet took ample time to drink in his nakedness.
Gob was red with embarrassment.
She tossed in his clothes and weapon.
"Get dressed, we're leaving the camp"
Gob was certain he had heard wrong.
"where are we going and how did you get past your guards?" he queried.
"I have my ways, now shut up and follow me"
Gob was incensed he knew the danger that lurked outside the camp.
Still he couldn't refused a direct order from the princess of Xan.
No matter how he looked at it,  he knew whatever it was she was planning wouldn't end well.
He fumbled over his clothing, grabbed his blade and trailed after her.

POST. I shall be more punctual.
Please state your favourite character and why..
Love you all

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