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Ella -

I can feel my feet getting pulled from where they are laying now. My body feels like it's getting ripped in half.

I quickly sit up to see someone holding tightly to my waist and a black band pulling my feet down towards the edge of the bed.

I quickly tried to kick my feet in attempts to get the band or hands or whatever it is off. It wasn't working.

The hand that was around my waist was holding tighter the more I kicked until suddenly my feet were let free.

I pulled my knees up the my chest, scanning the room to find where ever that thing had gone. I turned to look at the person lying next to me. He looked familiar but I couldn't tell from where. He was strong and wanted to keep my close.

I was too lost in my own thoughts when something attached itself to my hand and started to pull me to the side.

"Don't you see what you did to him?" I knew that voice, I could pick it out anywhere.

"I didn't do anything." I was firm, not a hitch could be found in my voice.

"Look again."

I turned to face the boy who was holding me. His face still shoved into the sheets but his arms had cuts all up and down them. His back had large wounds oozing.

"I didn't do that. I don't even know him." I shook my head at the boy sleeping in front of me.

"Look closer." She neared before his head whipped to face the ceiling.

"Ry?" My head dipped to get closer to his own.

His lips were swollen and cut, his pale blue eyes had a look of begging left in them, and his skin wasn't the normal shade of olive/fair like it normally is.

"No. No. This cant be happening." I turned to look at her, staring into the blackness that fills her eyes.

"He was fine. We were just saying goodnight and he was fine." I kept insisting, small tears sliding down my cheeks with ease. "We were fine."

"You did that. You drove him to hate life. You make it difficult. You do it all the time." Her hand was moving its way up my arm, slowly creating a black scratch as she did so.

"Shut up. He's fine. We're fine." This has to be fake. He was fine. I know he was fine.

"Don't speak to your mother that way." She snapped, her hand holding my mouth shut in a proper painful way.

I ripped my head away from her hand, my eyes darting back down to Ryder who was alive, I think, but in pain nonetheless.

"Ryder? Ry come on. Wake up." I shook him aggressively, the tears wouldn't stop.


I didn't look at her, she disgusts me.


I don't look at her, I need to help Ryder.


My head snaps back to the thing standing on the side of my bed.

"You can't help him. He doesn't want you to. You did this to him. You lied to him."

I shook my head. This is madness.

"Your lying to me." I looked at her black eyes, staring into them trying to find a source for this madness.

"No flower. Your lying to yourself."

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