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"Your smoking."

"Well thank you captain obvious."

I glared my eyes at my father who was smirking at me through the glass screen, wishing to blow the smoke he had just inhaled into my face trying to prove a point of my obvious and unneeded remarks.

Something that I have always done, something my mom did as well but he always seemed to tolerate hers. Mine on the other hand he loved to poke fun at, make it a point to turn my face as red as can be.

And he wonders why I never call him first anymore.

He had just face-timed me as I was exiting the hotel headed to Aunt Mali's car, his name lighting up the screen causing mine and Ryder's goodbyes to be cut short and rushed into a see you later and very overdrawn kiss trying to relish in the actions we partook in hours before.

Since then my father had been on the phone the entire of the ride home and now managed to make our way into the kitchen of the house he does pay for, though never seems to be here. Of course to no fault of his own.

Well he could get a different job, but I don't think that's going to happen.

I though, was still on a high from the morning I had spent with Ryder, who has not stopped blowing up my phone, very confused as to why I haven't been answering him.

He also said something about Jackson, whom I think is the kid that showed up to my house and tried to fight everyone on my fathers birthday.

I think, but I genuinely could care less, I mean the worst person in my life is Tiffany who loves to comment on my post about how ugly and undeserving of Ryder I am.

Little did she know that every time he was with her he wanted me instead, so ha take that bitch.

But as I said he is very concerned at my lack of answering, so worried that he called Mali and demanded to speak to me.

Which he did but was also greeted by my fathers wonderful edition of happy birthday, which he talked instead of sung and also told him that he loved him and a bunch of other gushy stuff that he will never admit to saying as he hated his guts up until a few months ago at this point.

Well not hated, no I don't think that but close to.

All of this had Ryder off the phone faster than when Uncle Luke called to say he cooked and needed Ry to pick up some take out. Making it also so he hasn't texted me again, seeing as I had my hands full with my father who was more like an overgrown 5 year old.

"Stop giving her sass Cal." Aunt Mali pipped up behind me, sliding down the counter so her hips bumped my own as he mirrors my hunched over position against the counter.

"I didn't know mom was there." He chuckled drily before blowing the smoke out that he had been holding in for more than an unhealthy amount of time.

"Your such an ass when your away." Mali grumbled, no longer wanting to take part in his attitude pushing her body up and off the counter.

She was trying to play upset, which she probably was at her brother but I know damn well that she got luck last night, so she couldn't be that truly upset at anything do anyone, solely by the way she was having trouble sitting down and the shakiness in her legs.

Hey it's her fault for living with a 17 year old who's best friend loves sex. I mean I didn't ask to know, I just do.

"You miss my ass when I'm away." My father huffed in response, bringing his lips up to take another long drag of cigarette before exhaling the smoke in the direction of the phone.

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