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After Jorge and Tini had, had their convosation about their kid that they might or might want it.

Tini had gone upstairs to have some alone time, while Jorge was downstairs in the kitchen drinking an expresso whilst thinking about things.

Tini was on her side lying dwn on their bed, her phone lay beside her, she wondered whether to call her parents like Jorge had suggested earlier, she also thought about calling Lodo since she has got a child.

As she was staring at the white wall her phoe started ringing, her eyes moved towards the buzzing phone, she soon realised it was Lodo calling, she picked her phone up and proceeded to press call.


Lodo: Tini! Lodo cheerfully exslamed.

Tini: Hi.... Tini sighed in the background

Lodo: What's up?...

Tini: Nothing, I'm fine....

Lodo: Erm, no you're not, Tini I know when somethings up, and judging by the sound of your voice, something is up!

Tini: Fine.....Have you ever had doubts about having a baby?....

Lodo: With Luca, yes, but what I've learnt is that when 9 mounths is up and you're about to have your baby, it's the most AMAMZING feeling anyone can have, why?....

Lodo had added a tone to her voice which was a little unsure

Tini: I've been having second thoughts.....

Lodo: ...Does Jorge know?

Tini: Yup, he wants me to keep it, but I just don't think I'm ready for this sort of thing, I know he would make a fantastic father to my children, I just sometimes don't think his answers correct...

Lodo: You should! It's none of my business or anything but I think you need to listen to what your fiance has to say, personly I think he's correct!

Tini thought about what Lodo had said, she then thought about Jorge being a father to her chidren, she could see that she would be happy.

Tini: I'll talk to him. Tini agreed to what Lodo had stated

Lodo: Goodluck, oh and before you go, I need help picking out a wedding dress, me and the girls are going tomorrow, you wanna come?

Tini: I would love to, thanks Lodo!

Lodo: Anytime, I'll see you tomorrow!

Tini: And you! Tini grinned whilst hanging up.


Tini let out a big sigh and dropped the phone onto the duvet, she then got up and plodded owards the bedroom door, She walked downstair and entered the kitchen where she saw Jorge holding the expresso shot with two hands whilst sitting on the breakfast stool with his back facing her while looking into nothingness.

*Jorge's POV*

Thinking: God I hope she decides to keep the baby, I'd been dreaming about having a family with the one person that's so special to me!

I suddenly felt these two hands creep arond my neck, I smiled and knew exactly who it was!

Tini: Hey....

She muttered very tiredly.

Jorge: Hey... I muttered back.

Tini rested her head on my left shoulder.

Jorge: You thought about things yet?.... I asked the question hoping she would say something that would please me, however silence had complety surrounded the whole kitchen and i'd suddenly felt this rush of unsurence run up my spine......


Will Tini finally agree that she might just want the baby? Fine out and stay tuned!

Thanks for reading, hopefully more to come! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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