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Tini was asleep, still damp from where Jorge had thrown her in the pool, Jorge smiled as he saw her in deep sleep, he kissed her forehead and lovingly wrapped his arm around her for extra warmth.

Jorge muttered in a tired voice

Jorge: I love you

And snuggled up with her asleep in his arms, these two were completely and madly in love, they were inseparable.


A few hours later they had got up and were dressed, they were down in the kitchen, Jorge was checking his emails, job related and Tini had her arms wrapped around his neck watching him check his emails.

Tini: Any thing?

Jorge: Been emailed about an interview which is today, I need to really get ready for that, other than taht, nothing else.

Tini: Iv'e just been emailed if i want to have a part in aliados......

Jorge turned and looked concerned

Jorge: And you turned the offer down, right?

Tini: not really, no....

Jorge: I'm not letting that stupid, peter get anywhere near you, not now not ever.

Tini: If i don't get a job soon, then we're going to have to move.

Jorge: We're going to get paid from violetta in less than a mounth, you don't need to worry.

Tini: We don't have a mounth, Jorge!!!! she said with a firm tone.

Jorge: I'll aply for a role im a film or something then....

Tini: You'll be waiting for ages to know if you got the part or not, and anyway we're getting married and i won't lay a single hand on peter, i promise, you've just got to trust me?!

Jorge looked deeply into her eyes.

Jorge: Not after all the trouble he's coursed....

Tini: For god sake Jorge! she stormed up stairs, and into the bedroom to check her email.

She looked at it and suddenly thought 'What if Peter does interfere, well it won't be peter, it'll be stephanie who will interfere, Peter helped me when me and Jorge had a fight, he was the one that got us back together....

Tini: I'm going to turn it down... she muttered.

Just as she was about to reject the message she saw Jorge enter out of the corner of her eye.

Jorge sat down next to her on he edge of their bed.

Jorge: I may of over reacted a little bit.

Tini: Don't worry Jorge, I understand you, and you'll be pleased to know that i'm just about to turn the offer down..

Jorge: Don't!

she stopped typing and looked up at him.

Jorge: I've thought about it and have decided it's such a small chance that they're going to interfere, they've got a child between them, we're engadged and in love, don't turn it down, it's an offer you might not get ever again and Peter is a nice guy, he was the one who got us back together, not sure abou stephanie, still despise her, but, we're not going to see her anyway, go for it, it'll help us financially anyway which is a huge benefit to us.

Tini: You really mean that? she smiled, he smiled back.

Jorge: of course i do, i wouldn't be saying it if i didn't mean it.7

Tini: You're amazing, you do know that?

He smiles

Jorge: Yeah, and so are you! he winks and kisses her on the lips.

they both seperate.

Jorge: I'll leave you to it.

He strokes her cheek and then exits, tini after all was typing away, she replied back to them saying:

EMAIL- Of couse, it'll be a great opitunety for me, email me back when you get this.

She smiles and hits the sen button, what could possibly go wrong?

Forever starts now ( A sequel to Forever? Forever.)Where stories live. Discover now