Break ups?

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While working all Tini could think about was Jorge, she was confused and upset, she didn't know why Jorge would lie to her.
After she'd finished filming, she headed home.

Tini had arrived back home, but was stressed, she got out of the car and unlocked the door, Jorge saw her and stood up from where he had sat down in the kitchen, she stood their and eyed him with a serious look on her face..

Jorge: Whats up... He asked nervous

Tini: Oh, trying to act all innocent are we?!!!!!

Jorge hesitates and looks down at the floor.

Tini: I heard it all on the radio, Jorge!!!

Jorge: You can't always believe stuff like that Tini....

He moves towards her, taking both her hands, she snatches them back and folds her arms, feeling annoyed.

Tini: You're still lying! why? why even bother, we're supposed to be in a relationship, relationships are all about trusting the other person!!! she shouts firmly, he however, stood there speechless...

Jorge: You haven't even told me what you heard, so don't go blaming me when you haven't even told me anything!!!!

Tini: Do you know why i haven't told you anything, Jorge?!!

He stood there stairing, wondering what to say

Jorge's thoughts-----

'Danm, I should have told her! Why the hell didn't I tell her, now what am I supposed to say, given in, then she'll ask me a tone of questions and I won't know what to say the she'll leave- Jorge, don't even think that!'


Jorge: Okay, fine, I lied, only because, I was scared he might hurt you, and I didn't want you to get involved.

Tini: JORGE?!!! she loudly shouts

Tini: I'm the one who should be getting involved, he's my ex boyfriend remember, not yours!


He replys screaming back, almost wishing he'd never said it so harshly.

Tini stood there speachless, almost as if she was about to burst out crying.

Jorge rolls his eyes and starts to feel a little guilty...

Jorge: Ugh, Tini I'm sorry-

Tini: You know what Jorge? save your tears for someone else, because I'm not fooling around anymore!

Jorge: Are you saying this whole relationship was not worth it.

she hesitates for a second.

Tini: I guess so, tonight, you can have the place to yourself Jorge!!!!

She grabs her car keys, but stops when Jorge shouts out

Jorge: I guess i should've stayed with stephie....

She turns round.

Tini: You remind me so much of Peter, infact I think you're probably worse....

Turning back round she opens the door and slams it behind her, almost wishing she hadn't of said those mean things....

Tini's POV---

I got in my fiat and decided to drive to mechi's, I knew i was driving over the speed limit, to be honest I didn't care, I was so upset and angry with Jorge, I just didn't care, how could someone that you've been in a relationship for 3 years just lie, and talk to your horrible ex boyfriend behind your back, I mean it really make me angry!

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