A little fun...

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~The next day~
Tini yawns and rolls over to see Jorge sleeping next too her.
Tini: You sleep like a log! She laughs and gets up to go and have a shower, what she didn't know was that Jorge was behind her.
Jorge: Who said I sleep like a log?
Tini jumps, and realises it's Jorge.
Tini: You, I said you sleep like a log! She grins
Jorge: Say that again! Go on... He begins to laugh
Tini: Fine I'll say it agai-
Before Tini could do anything Jorge picked her up over his solider and carried her outside and into the back garden where he playfully throws her into the pool.
Tini: JORGE!! She screams but the quickly giggles
Jorge: Told you I would get you back from throwing water on my head! He laughs
Tini: ha, ha, very funny, now help me get out.
Jorge: Fine. He bends down and lends a hand for her to get out, she grabs his hand but instead of getting out she pulls him in.
She laughs.
Tini: you're not smiling now are you!
Jorge: you got me! He laughs as well.
Jorge puts his hands on his lips and moves closer to Tini.
Jorge: Shhhhhh, I think we better stay quiet, you know how Gary, the guy next door reacts.
She smiles.
Tini: What ever you say Mr Blanco!
He kisses her passionately on the lips, while they were both kissing, Jorge carefully takes her out with her legs wrapped around his waste, they both go up stairs and..........Let's just say things started to get a little heated....

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