Blaming others

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Ruggero raised both his eyebrows as soon as Jorge finished his sentence.

Rggero: Didn't know you were still in the game?

Jorge: Yeah, well you're wrong about that! he smiled and grasped hold of the beer cans, he then put them inside, got his jacket and stept outside, whilst shutting the door behind him.

Ruggero pulled his car keys out of his jeans pocket, just as he was about to unlock the car, Jorge said after..

Jorge: We don't need the car, it's just down the street.

As they were walking down, they both could here loud music and people chatting.

Ruggero: Um, Jorge, I've got a kid and a fiance at home, I thought you just meant like going to the pub or something, not a club!

Jorge: The difference is that you just have so much more fun when you're in a club, you meet people-

Ruggero: When you're drunk... Ruggero muttered

Jorge: And you forget about the problems, maybe lets just say Tini was being an over dramatic drama queen, you know enjoy yourself while it lasts!

Ruggero stopped, Jorge turned around and noticed.

Jorge: What are you doing?

Ruggero: Going home to my fiance and also my child!

Jorge: Rugg, if you're going to be like this then fine!

Ruggero: D'you know what your problem is? You think you can just forget about things by acting like an idiot-

Jorge: Excuse me?

Ruggero: If i were you I'd be looking down every road for Tini, she your fiance, just because of that stupid minor fight you had, you're probably going to loose her if you keep on acting this way, Get it together!

Ruggero had a serious look on his face, he then turned the other direction where they'd came down.

~Jorge Thinking~

He's probably right, i need to get a grip of my-self! I need to find Tini!


He started jogging back up the path, he soon arrived in his drive, he got his keys out of his pocked, unlocked the car and entered.

~In the car~

Jorge hadn't turned the engine on yet, he was thinking where Tini could be.

~Jorge Thinking~

Where could she be? either Cande or mechi's, her best friend is Mechi, so I'll go there!


He turned on the engine revving it three times, just because it sounded cool, and drove off in Mechi's direction.


Mechi's house was packed with people, after Tini had cried over Jorge, Mechi thought it would be great to throw a party. Tini shouted to Mechi over the loud music..

Tini: How did you get so many people????

Mechi: Oh, you know because I'm an actress!

They both laughed, Mechi grasped two cocktails from her kitchen and past one over to Tini.

Mechi: Cheers... Mechi laughed

Tini: Cheers! She also was laughing....


Jorge had finally pulled up at Mechi's house, he exited the car and walked up to her front door, he rangs the door bell...


Mechi: Hold on Tini, someones at the door, probably just another guest!


The door opens and Jorge see's Mechi stood at the door, she frowns when she see's him.

Mechi: Oh, come here to collect Tini, have we?!

Jorge: Mechi please, just let me see her!

Mechi: Not after all the trouble you've caused!


Tini: Mechi, who is it? Tini says appering at the front door.

Tini: Jorge...... She looks down at the ground.

Jorge: Can we just talk?

Mechi: I wouldn't trust him....

Jorge: Please Tini, we're supposed to be getting married in 5 mounths, let me just explain!

Tini hesitated...

Tini: I'm sorry Jorge, i don't think it's the right time to be talking...

Mechi shuts the door on Jorge, Jorge stiffens up, as he feels fustrated and upset.

Jorge muttering to himself: What have i done to diserve this?

His back faces her front door, he stares out into the darkness...

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