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An hour had past, the couple had gone down stairs and chatted, Tini then had fallen asleep in Jorge's arms.

Jorge had got woken up by a knock on the door, he rolled his eyes irritated and carefully got of the sofa trying not to wake Tini, he then walked to the door, before opening he yawned.

He opened the door and to his suprise millions of reporters where crowded outside his and Tini's house.

Reporter: Jorge, is it true that your fiance's pregnant?

Jorge let out a big sigh and was about to close the door when a reporter stuck his foot beween the door.

Reporter: I asked you a question, now answer it, otherwise I won't get paid!

2 Reporter: Yeah, god just tell us mate!

Jorge: Guys, please, can you just leave...?

Reporter(s): Just reply to what we all asked!

Jorge: Firstly, get your FOOT out between the door and secondly I would like you to leave...

Reporter(s): Is you fiance pregnant?!

Jorge: Right, okay, I'm just going to shut the front door now, you probably should move your foot, oh and you might want to not flash when you're taking photo's because it's disurbing me and my fiance!

Before he slammed the door, the reporter in front of him took his foot out the door and didn't reply.

After slamming the door Tini had woken up and was looking at a tired and fustrated Jorge, he had his back leaned against the door and with irritation he sweeped his hand throgh his hair.

Tini: Who was at the door? she said as she got up from the sofa and walked towards Jorge.

Jorge: Just some of those bloody Reporters and Paparazi, can't they learn to just leave us alone?

Tini: They'll never learn, why where they even here, it's not like we've got any gossip.

Jorge: Accept you're pregnant...

Tini: Yeah....

She looked down, Jorge smiled and put his arms around her waste.

Jorge: I can't wait to have a child! he grinned She glanced up and smiled.

Tini: Me either!

Jorge: How do you look so beautiful all the time? I love seeing the smile of yours! He chuckles

Tini: So you're saying when I've just woken up and I've got bed hair I still look beautiful?

Jorge: Of course!

Tini: You know, you're REALLY good at lying-

Jorge: I'm not lying though! He grinned

Tini: Agree to disag-

He stopped Tini with a slow soppy pasionet kiss, he then seperated and muttered

Jorge: I mean what I say! She grinned and locked her lips on his once more.


Thanks for reading, comment down below on what you thought about this chapter!

More to come soon, hopefully! <3

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