Getting ready

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~Jorge's POV~

I had left Tini by her self for about half an hour, I thought she'd need the space.

Jorge: Tini?

I whispered as I entered our bedroom. She looked so adorable snuggled up in the duvet covers, I felt like getting into those duvet covers my self and snuggeling up next to her, but the truth was we had an interview in less than an hour and a half, Tini takes about an hours top maybe even longer and I couldn't afford to be late because it's going to be live TV.

Jorge: Tini? Come on, we need to get ready! I put a gentle hand on her shoulder just to give her that warning.

Tini: What?...

She mumbled, I laughed as it reminded me of that documentary about Tini, her dad waking her up, I can tell you now that she hates being woken up!

Jorge: We need to go and get ready for the interview.

Tini: Fine...

She rolled over and turned towards me, I grinned at her she smiled back and muttered.

Tini: I hate being woken up!

She rubbed her eyes and finally got out of bed, we then both got ready for the interview.


Thanks guys, sorry I didn't update yesterday, I've been SO busy lately, I was up until 11:30 last night revising for some maths test, lets just hope I get a good mark....

Thank you for reading, stay tuned for more! :)

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