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Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sat on the toilet seat, she looked down at the test she had just done.

Tini: Posotive...

She muttered to her-self, everything blanked out, she could no longer hear noises, only very faintly.

Stunned, she dropped the test on the floor and put her head inside her hands, the next thing was that she could feel a soft hand touch her back, she looked up, mascara was running down her face along with a few tears, the face gave her a warm smile.

?: Why didn't you tell me?....

Tini: I didn't know how're not mad Jorge, are you?...

He kneeled down on the bathroom floor so that he was level with her.

Jorge: Hey, of course not. there was something in his eyes that made everything feel better, all the lying went away, she didn't know if it was reassurance or what, in fact she didn't care, she was just glad that Jorge was okay with her.

She smiled at his, Jorge rubbed her eyes and muttered in a calm voice...

Jorge: You've got mascara running down your face. He smiles which makes her laugh a little.

Jorge: You know Tini soon we'll have a family, that's all I've ever wanted, to have a family with you!

Tini: What about the wedding and the honey moon.

Jorge: The wedding is set in 2 months time, we'll be back probably in 3 moths it's fine.

He gave her a reassuring smile, she gave him a weak smile back.

Tini: You know that I love you, right?

Jorge: Of course I do, come here... He pulled her in for a tight hug, Tini was relieved  that Jorge wasn't mad, and she guessed Mechi was right!


Hope you liked that chapter, and yes, finally Tini is pregnant, and Jorge couldn't be more happy, Thanks for reading, more to come, so stay tuned! x

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