Waiting in the cold

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Jorge looked at his watch and soon realised it was time to go, Tini was snuggled up to him asleep, he looked down at his lap and saw Tini fast asleep.

Jorge: Hey, Martu? he called with a gentle tone added to his voice.

She started to figit a bit, Jorge sat there with a huge grin on his face.

Jorge: We're going to be late for that party, remember?

After he'd finished his sentence, to Jorge's suprise she got up and ran to the frount door, Jorge followed laughing.

Tini: How do i look? she said before opening the frount door

Jorge: You look stunning!

Just as she was about to turn around to open the frount door, he grabbed her hand and kissed her passionetly.

Tini: What was that for?

Jorge: I have no idea, I just felt like it.

Tini: Oh? she grinned

Jorge: Why is it against the rules?

Tini: No, i just wasn't expecting it.

He grinned, she then turned to open the door, Jorge grabbed his keys which was by the door, Tini turned around to face him.

Tini: You don't really need the car keys, I've orderd a taxi.

Jorge: What like limbo?

Tini: No, i didn't have enough time, I only had just found out about the whole thing earlier on today.

She rolled her eyes and smiled.

Jorge: You do know, I was joking!

They walked out and onto the path where they waited for the taxi to arrive.

Jorge: So, when exactly is this taxi coming, its 15 minuets until 8:00, we only have 10 minuets to get there.

Tini: We have 5 minuets to wait, if it doesn't come by then, well, then we'll take your suggestion...

As it was cold Tini was shivering, Jorge noticed and gave his blazer he had on and put it over her shoulders, for extra warmth he put his arm around her and kisses her forehead.

Jorge: Better?

Tini: Yeah, thanks.

He smiled down at her and squeezed her tightly


Thanks, I'll update tonight probably, hope you're all enjoying this book!

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