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After the cast had finished gossiping, Simon entered the room and congratulated Jorge and Tini on their Engagement.
Simon: Congratulations, to the both of you!
Jorge + Tini: Thanks.
They both smiled, still cuddling up to one another.
Simon left the couple and stood in the middle of the room, where everyone took notice.
He rubbed his hands together.
Simon: Right, brilliant performance, I think we should all rest as we've got a big day tomorrow, well done guys, great start for 2015!
He then left the room.
Cande: Right, I'm off, absolutely shattered.
Everyone did agree and soon it was just Tini and Jorge.
Jorge glanced down to see her eyes half open, he smiled.
Jorge: Tired? He says kissing her forehead gently.
Tini: yup. She says yawning
Jorge got up of the long L shaped sofa and held his hand out.
Jorge: Come on, the beds not going to magically appear. He laughed
Tini: I wish it did! She said in a tired voice.
Both Jorge and Tini exited the room and walked to the hotel room where they slept until the next morning.
Hiya guys, I've been so tied up at the minuet, but I hope I've entertained you with this short not quite a chapter!
Keep on reading,
Thanks, Em x😉

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