unexpected suprise

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2 weeks had past since Jorge and Tini had met his parents, it was around mid day in argentina, Tini had arranged a Dinner with the whole cast of Violetta just for fun.

She entered the kitchen where she saw Jorge staring at her as she walked in.

Tini: What? she grinned at him, he smiled at her.

Jorge: Nothing, it's just that you're beautiful! she blushed and walked towards him, he raised his eye brows as she came closer.

Tini: You know, we've got everyone coming in 20 minuets, I don't think we have time!

She wraps his arms around his neck, just as she was about to kiss him, the door rings, Jorge rolls his eyes.

Jorge: I bet thats Lodo, she always likes to be on time! He chuckles, Tini walks to the front door and opens, Two girls stand there with Leonetta posters grinning there faces off.

Tini: Hello! she grins down at them!

?: OMG! one of the girls started to hyperventilate, the girl next to her was silent but grinning!

Jorge came up behind Tini and wrapped his arms around her waste, the girls gasped as they saw him!

The two fans handed Tini the Leonetta poster's and she sighned them.

?: Can Jorge sighn it as well? The stunned girl asked.

Jorge: Of course I will! he winked at them both and sighned the posters.

After the sighning Tini shut the door after she had said goodbye.


Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've been so busy with exams and tests, I'll try and update whenevers possible! x

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