Coming down with a cold?..or..

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A week had past since the Violetta dinner party cast that was hosted by Tini, Jorge smiled down at Tini when he woke up, she was still in a very deep sleep.
He kissed head, she moved a little but then was still.
Jorge got up, brushed his teeth got dressed and walked down stairs to leave Tini in peace.
He popped the kettle on, he opened the cupboard and saw there was only Granola left, that was his worst cereal, he pulled a face and then shrugged, he then walked back to where his bowl was placed on the kitchen counter, he splashed some milk in the bowl and tipped the cereal in, after his first spoonful a tired looking Tini entered the kitchen.
Tini: I think I've got a cold Jorge! She says sniffing.
Jorge: Don't get near me then! He laughed, a small smile formed on her face.
Tini: You don't say 'Our I'll go down the chemist and get you some paracetamol' then?
Jorge: I was joking! He left his bowl full of cereal and walked toward her wrapping his arms around her.
Tini: Don't get to close to me, you're going to catch it... She say coughing
Jorge: A stupid cold can't scare me away. He kissed her on the cheek and walked towards the door, before opening the door he turned around and shouted...
Jorge: I'm just going to go down the chemist get you some paracetamol! He winked at her before stepping outside and closing the door behind him.
Tini flopped onto the sofa before coughing again, her phone started to ring, she looked at it and saw it was Mechi, she then picked it up from the coffee table and proceeded to press call.
Tini: Hello? *Coughing*
Mechi: Hi Tini, you sound Erm, dreadful! Tini could hear her faint laugh in the background.
Tini: Thanks, I've got this horrible cold, I couldn't get to sleep last night, I've also had a few headaches, I suppose I can't be that bad because I ate a load of food yesterday, I was so hungry and I don't know why?
Mechi: That makes me wonder, we're in the middle of summer, and you hardly get colds, and secondly you've had food cravings and also headaches.
Tini: What are you trying to say?
Mechi: Pregnant?
*Tini's eyes suddenly widened when Mechi stated 'Pregnant'
Thank you for reading, do you think Tini will end up being 'Pregnant' and how do you think Jorge will react if he finds out, Write down in the comments what you thought, more to come later! (I don't know when I'll be able to update, probably In two to three days.)

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