Party pt1

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After Jorge put his blazer around Tini's shoulder's the taxi had finally arrived.

Tini's eyes lightened up as the taxi had parked outside there house, Jorge opened the taxi door for Tini, she smiled at him, Jorge then got in himself.


Tini looked outside the car window into space, Jorge cought sight of her, her put his arm around her and she looked around and glanced up, she leaned her head gently on his shoulder.

Jorge: I wonder what it's going to be like?

Tini: Let's just hope we're going to have a fun night and not let it be spoiled know who......


Soon enough, after a 10 minuet drive they had arrived at there destinastion, they paid the taxi driver and then arranged for him to come and pick them up later.

They both stood at the entrance looking up at an incredibly tall building, much larger than the one the were living in although there house was pretty big! A tall man dressed in a suit with glasses that reminded Jorge of the character out of Violetta, Ramallo, he had glasses and looked quite posh.

?: Good evening! The man gave the couple a warm smile.

Jorge: Evening. Jorge smiled and shook his had

?: Your names?

Tini: Martina Stoessel and Jorge Blanco.

She smiled at the man, he then looked through a list of names.

?: Oh yes. He ticked both of their names off and escorted them to the main hall

The hall was massive, a sculpture stood in the middle of the room, it had a modern twist to it.

?: I'll leave you two alone. And with that the man walked off.

Millions of people dressed in fancy clothing surrounded the couple.

Jorge: Haven't seen Peter and Stephie yet......

Tini: Thats a good thing though!

They both glanced around, soon enough a tall looking attractive man came round with glasses of champagne on a tray.

Waiter: Sir, mam?

Jorge smiled.

Jorge: Thank you.

They both grasped a glass each.

Jorge: Now what do we do?

Tini: I have know idea, just try and blend in....

They both looked at each other and smiled.

: You must be Martina Stoessel?

The couple suddenly turned around and saw a man, probably in his thirtys, middle hight, he was also quite good-looking.

: My names Ritchard, I'm the director. He gave them both a warm smile.

Tini: Hi Ritchard, this is my fiance, Jorge. He glanced at Jorge and shook his hand.

Ritchard: Plessure to meet you.

Jorge: And you. Jorge smiled at him

Ritchard: Well, I'll see you in 2 days time, Martina

Tini: Please call me Tini.

Ritchard: Of course, I must go and greet some others, but I'll be back. Just as he was about to leave, he splurterd out.

Ritchard: Welcome to my crib! He put two arms up, indicating that this was his very big home, he soon after left.

Jorge muttered quietly, after taking a sip of champagne

Jorge: I don't think I can stand him any longer, even if i tried.

Tini: We think the same! she glances up and smiles

Jorge: Cheers... He says sarcastically

Tini: Cheers.....

After Ritchard had left the couple spent sometime talking about home stuff and Jorge finally said...

Jorge: You know after our wedding I think we should start thinking serious stuff...

Tini: Like what? She looks up concered.

Jorge: You know like

Jorge looked at her and blushed a bit.

Tini: Are you kidding me?

Jorge: Well, if you don't want to-

Tini: Of course I do.

Jorge: You really mean that?

Tini: Yes, Jorge, I couldn't possibly love someone as much as I love you.

Jorge: I love you so much, I would kiss you if we were at like a night club sort of thing but....

He glances around.

Tini: It would be awkward, I'd say the same thing!

He squeezed her hand

Jorge: You don't think I could kiss your hand, do you? he says with a sarcastic tone.

Tini grinned at Jorge, he then kissed her hand and winked at her.

? Tini?!

A voice suddenly shouted from behind, her head shot towards the voice she recognized, a voice her and Jorge recognize.........................


Part two will be shown tomorrow, again, thank you so much for reading and by the way, tomorrow's going to be good, so check it out and see what happens next, comment on who it might be.

Twitter Imformation: @emily_rhall

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