The dinner party pt 2

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A few minuets later all the cast had arrived and where chatting in the lounge.
After Mechi had spoken to Tini, she focused her eye contact on Jorge.
Mechi: Jorge...
Everyone stopped talking and turned there attention to Jorge and Mechi.
Jorge: Yes...!
Mechi: I need to talk to you...
Jorge nodded.
Jorge: Excuse me! He winked at Tini and gave her a reassuring smile.
Jorge: Be right. He mouthed the words to Tini and then followed Mechi into the kitchen.
Jorge: What was it you wanted to talk about?! Jorge looked very irritated and annoyed.
Mechi: About that night when Tini came over, I was such a jerk about your relationship, I should've been more of a friend to the both of you, I'm so sorry Jorge! She had a serious look on her face which made it hard for Jorge to say 'I'm sorry I can't forgive you!'
Jorge soon gave in, he looked at the ground and then stared back up at her.
Jorge: Alright, I forgive you. He gave her a small smile, she, however grinned and unexpectedly ran up to him and hugged him tight.
Mechi: Thank you Jorge!
She separated for the tight hug.
Jorge: Come on, Tini will probably be worried, you know how she is. He rolled his eyes and they both made way to the lounge and sat back down in there original places.
Tini: Where were you, you've been gone for 10 minuets with....Mechi.
Jorge: Hey...
He stuck his arm around her waste and pulled her in tight.
Jorge: We where just talking, you know clearing things up!
Tini: Okay, I believe you. She glances up at him.
Jorge smiles down at her, he leans in and kisses her, Fancu coughs to get the couples attention.
Jorge and Tini both look up and realised that everyone was staring at them.
Jorge: Okay....
Tini started to laugh, while everyone else looked at her and Jorge, the only one who thought it was not awkward was Lodo.
Lodo: OMG, that's so cute! She pulled a face Ruggero nudged her and shakes his head.
Alba: So, Cande I hear that you're acting levels have gone up, you're filming for a Hollywood movie, is that right?
Everybody turns there attention to Cande who Fancu had his arm around.
Cande: Yes, I believe so!
Ruggero: That's brilliant, so Tini did you play a part in Aliados?
Tini: Yes, I did. She smiled, however everyone gasped.
Samuel: Isn't P,p,Peter in that?....
Tini: Well yes, but... She looked at Jorge for backup
Jorge: er, yes, but you see, he couldn't make it for a couple of episodes and Tini was only in 7, so...
Nicholas: Jorge, have you been emailed about anything...?
Jorge looked a little uncomfortable, Tini noticed.
Jorge: Yeah... He muttered, Tini looked surprised.
Nicholas: And what was that then?
Jorge: Oh just something, it's no big deal...
He looked down and scratched the back of his head.
Tini: Go on Jorge tell the guys!...
Jorge: Well, I got offered a Job in Mexico, it's an action part, I've also been given the main role, well I did.
Clari: Did you turn it down then?
Jorge: Well, yeah, I didn't want it to effect my relationship, I'm in this position now where the most important person to me comes first and I'm not leaving that for anything. His eyes glanced down into Tini's eyes, he smiles lightly, she also smiles and squeezes his hand.
Samuel: Erm, Lodo, are you okay?
Lodo: what, no, yeah I'm fine! She wipes her eyes while still looking in Jorge and Tini's direction
Ruggero laughs and puts his arm around her.
Minuets after the oven beeps.
Jorge: That must be the food. Jorge says looking down at Tini
Tini: Excuse me. Tini got up from the sofa and made her way to the kitchen, she started dishing the plates up and setting them out onto the dinning table.
She noticed Jorge made his way over to her.
Jorge: Listen, I'm sorry about not telling you about that job!
Tini: It's okay, in the future just tell me, that's all I want you to do.
Jorge: So you're not mad at me then? He smiles
Tini: No, of course not, I love you Jorge and that's all I care about is having you in my life, growing old together.
She put her hand through his hair.
Jorge: I'm glad you're not mad at me and I love you too! He kisses her passionately on the lips, they both separate.
Tini: Do you mind if you call everyone in?
Jorge: No, course I will!
Jorge exits the dinning room and walks over to the lounge area.
Jorge: Right, I think my fiancées got the dinner ready, if you'd like to make your way to the dinning room that would be more than brilliant!
They all agree and follow Jorge into the dinning area, the dinner table was nicely set out, there was a high chair for the young child Luca and Ruggero and Lodo sat between him, all couples were basically sat next to each other, Tini then bought the food in.
Everyone: It all looks great!
Tini: Thanks, tuck in everyone!
They all helped there selves to the mini buffet Tini had earlier prepared.
Jorge: I don't know why Tini but you're SO good at cooking!
Jorge smiled and closed his eyes at the tenderness of the meat he had just forked in.
Tini blushed
Tini: Thanks, I suppose you're quite lucky then because you've got a fiancé that's brilliant at cooking.
Ruggero: I wish Lodo was this good!
He laughed however Lodo and nobody else except Jorge laughed.
Lodo: Yeah well at least I can cook unlike you! She smiles and starts to think its a bit of a competition.
Everyone: Oooooooh! They all laugh.
Luca starts crying, Ruggero rolls his eyes.
Ruggero: Lodo, did you bring the baby food out from that draw that I told you to get?
Lodo: Yes it's in my bag.
Soon after Ruggero had spooned food into his sons mouth he'd suddenly stopped crying.
Cande turned her head towards Fancu.
Cande: That's why we shouldn't have kids soon, ask me in a year or two's time and I might except...
Fancu: Why can't we have one? I'm great with kids.
Cande: Like I said ask me in two years-
Fancu: Now you're changing it to two years?!
Cande: Please, I don't want to argue.
Jorge muttered: They're like an old married couple! Tini burst out laughing.
Tini whispered: We can't exactly talk, that's how we are sometimes!
Jorge whispered: You've got a point there!
Alba: So guys, what about a Violetta reunion?
Tini: I guess I'm to old for that now, I'm 21 nearly 22 by the way!
Jorge: and I'm 26 but you're never to old to do anything Tini, I'm sure the fans will love it!
Everyone: Yeah Tini, without you there is no show!
Tini: So everyone's just suddenly decided they want a reunion?
Everyone: It would be cool!
Thank you for reading, I've written quite a long chapter enjoy and please comment on what your thoughts were! Thank you! X

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