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Tini sat on the edge of their bed in silence, Jorge looked in her direction irritated.

Jorge: Tini, for god sake if there's something wrong just tell me?!!!

*Mechi in the background*

Mechi: Yeah, tell him!

Tini looked down at the phone and hung up so that Mechi couldn't interrupt their conversation.

Jorge walked over towards Tini and sat on the edge of their bed with her, he toook both her hands in his and stared into her eyes.

Jorge: Tini, tell me whats wrong, we're supposed to trust each other! he said with a serious tone in his voice.

~Tini's POV~

Oh my god, his eyes, i could just fall into them, I'm stuck, I can't just lie, I mean he's supposed to trust me and he's my fiance....whats the worst that could happen, him leaving me and me being stuck at home with a child to look after, NO, Jorge wouldn't do that, I know he wouldn't besides I don't know if I'm pregnant or not, I did gettold by "Doctor Mechi" I mean she's an actriss not a doctor!


Tini looked down at her hands feeling Jorge squeezing them tight for reasurence, she looked up into his eyes, a small smile appeared on Jorge's face which did give Tini confidence.

Tini: Jorge I...I might......

Jorge: You might what? He stared into her eyes

Tini: I might have a new Job! She blurted out.

Jorge's eyes widended.

Jorge: Wow, you should be pleased rather than nevous...

Tini: Well....I was only nervous b, b, because...

She looked down and thought what to say next, Jorge looked at her concerend.

Tini: Because Peter! Peter might be in this film...

She looked down ashamed that she hadn't of told the truth.

Jorge gave her a reasuring smile.

Jorge: Hey, don't worry, he's not going to lay a finger on you, he's gone and Stephie too, you don't need to worry, it's those to who needs to worry!

He pulled her in close to his chest, Tini closed her eyes feeling ashamed.

Forever starts now ( A sequel to Forever? Forever.)Where stories live. Discover now