The interview pt3/Second thoughts?...

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The hosts eyes moved towards the clip bored which made Tini's heart pond.

Host: So....The final question.....

She suddenly felt a shiver run up through her spine, she wanted to run away, she wanted to try and avoid that question but there was nowhere to go, every single fan had there eye on her as if they were watching every move. She suddenly turned back to reality when she heard the host state...

Host: Apparently, a reporter saw Tini in the chemist, is this suggesting that there maybe a child on the way?

Jorge grinned and was about to reply when he was inturrupted by a terified Tini.

Tini: NO! Tini splurted out without even realising she was even saying it, Jorge's head turned quickly towards her, he gave her a look as if her were to say 'What happens when that bump starts to grow? Then what are you going to do, huh?!'

Host: Okay....It was almost as if you knew I was going to ask that question...

Jorge awkwardly smiles, but was speachless, all three of them were infact speachless when the host finally had broke the silence..

Host: Okay, well, thanks for coming on the show and also thanks to the viewers for watching, until next time, adios!


As soon as the camera man shouted 'CUT!' Jorge turned his head around so he was facing Tini.

Jorge: Tini, what was that about?...

Tini: Jorge if you're gonna start arguing now's the time not to do it.

Jorge: But-

They were inturupted by the Host.

Host: Thanks so much for letting us interview you!

Jorge: Yes, it's fine, thanks for inviting us! Jorge shook his hand and both, Tini and Jorge headed back home.

~In the car~

They were 5 minuets into the journey, both hadn't said a word.

Jorge:What was that all about.

Tini: What?

Tini looked down onto the floor trying to avoid the question.

Jorge: You know what I'm talking about! Jorge glanced at Tini whilst keeping a steady eye on the road ahead.

Tini: I don't want to talk about it....

Jorge rolled his eyes and sighed, he thought it was best to leave her alone and ask her the same question later.


Finally the two had arrived back at home, they had said nothing, Jorge pulled the cluch and parked the car perfectly, they both exited the car and walked up to the front door, they ignored all the reporters and went inside, Tini walked into their lounge and flopped onto the sofa feeling a little stressed followed by Jorge, he sat beside, Tini didn't even take one look at him as he entered, she just sat on the sofa, face down staring at the carpet.

Jorge: You okay? Jorge muttered with a quiet tone added to his voice.

Tini: I just need to be left alone....

She still made no eye contact with him.

Jorge: You need to talk to me, I'm here for you!

He took hold of one of her hands and held it tight as his hand rested on her lap.

Tini: Jorge, what if I'm not ready to have a baby?

She glanced up at him, she could see the disappointment in his eyes, she knew he wouldn't approve of it!


Thanks so much for reading, sorry haven't updated for a couple of days, just to state, I won't be updating daily anymore, but stay tuned for more, also tell me what you thought in the comments! :)

Forever starts now ( A sequel to Forever? Forever.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat