Stressed Tini?

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~The next day~

Jorge tiredly walked downstairs into the kitchen where he bolied the kettle for a coffee

Tini: Good morning! She Tini said as she entered the kitchen and sat on a breakfast stool behind the breakfast bar.

Jorge: Coffee?

Jorge said as he poured hot water into his cup and added coffee granuals.

Tini: No thanks.

Jorge: Okay, but you're missing out on the delisous bitterness taste of coffee!

He grinned and sat next to her on the other breakfast stool.

Tini: So Jorge, what are we going to do today then? She glances at him and smiles, Jorge chuckles.

Jorge: Well..

He got his ipad mini from the kitchen table and sat back on the stool, the then showed Tini the email.


Hiya Jorge,

This is just an email about an interview we'd like you to come to, bring Tini, we'd like to ask a few questions! 3:00


Tini: Well, erm, I think they're only doing that so that they can ask us questions on the pregnancy....

Jorge looked up from his ipad and gave her a reasuring smile.

Jorge: Just avoid that question, it's fine!

Tini: I don't want to comfirm anything yet, I just don't think it's the right time...

Jorge: Well sooner or later we're going to have to tell them...

Tini: I know, but not today! she muttered added with an irritated tone to her voice.

Jorge: Someones a bit tired... He chuckles

Tini pulled a face at him.

Tini: In fact you're right Jorge, I do need sleep, there you go, you're always right! she sarcastically states and rushes up stairs to go and have a lie down!

Jorge: What was that all about? Jorge grinned and took in the last of his coffee...


Thanks for reading ,almost didn't have the courage to write but I did so hope you enjoyed!


I probably can't update tomorrow because of revision and exams and stuff, if i do it'll be really late!

Em x

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