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After the embarrassing and upsetting moment, the pair had finally arrived home, Jorge got the keys out of his pocket and opened the front, the two of them said nothing, Tini broke down into tears on the sofa, Jorge walked in and noticed her.

Jorge: Hey...? he gave her a reassuring smile, however she didn't smile back, she just stared with tears running down her face.

Tini: I can't believe what happened tonight!

Jorge came and sat down next to her, he put his arm around her for comfort.

Jorge: You're going to get that job back, i promise

Tini: Not sure if i can believe that....

She lent her head on his chest.

Tini: God, I wish i had turned the offer down, if i had just listend to you-

Jorge: Listen to me, this isn't your fault, if they hadn't of been at that gathering, it wouldn't of happened.

She looked up and gave him a weak smile.

Tini: You're so good to me!

He looks down at her and smiles

Jorge: It's because I'm a good person, unlike that son of an ex boyfriend you once had!

Tini: I'm glad you're nothing like him!

Jorge: So am i!


That evening the couple just spent the evening talking about what a terrible night it had been.


Thanks, comment down below, it's a short chapter, sorry, thank you for reading, you all are so great!

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