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~The next day~

Tini opened her eyes and realised she had slept on the sofa, she lifted her head up from Jorge's chest.

Tini: Jorge? she said calmly

Jorge: Umm... He mumbles, which made her smile.

Tini: We've slept on the sofa. she rubs her eyes seeing that the mascara from last nights 'Party In Hell' had smuged all over her hand.

Jorge: Now I'll probably get a bad back! he mumbles and opens his eyes faintly, looking down at her.

Just as they were about to nod off back to sleep the doorbell rang.

Jorge: Oh for god sake, can't people just leave us alone!

Tini: Someones a bit stressy today... she laughs

Jorge: I'll get the doorbell...

Jorge tiredly got off the sofa and walks to the front door, while putting hand through his hair.

He opens, as soon as he saw who it was, he clenched his fists that were down by his sides.

Tini: Jorge, who is it? Tini called from the lounge

Jorge: Nobody, it's fine...

Jorge glared at the person who was stood outside, and muttered

Jorge: Lets take this outside, Peter! He then smiled with anger.

Jorge steps outside onto the front porch and closes the door behind him, Peter looks down with shame.

Peter: Look Jorge, I'm sorry, I messed up last night and said things I shouldn't of said.

Jorge: You just couldn't help yourself, do you know what pain you've caused, and it's not just you, it's that vile girlfreind of yours!

Peter: Look we had had a few drinks last night, things start to go wrong when I've had too much to drink!

Jorge: Thanks to you, Tini's lost the job, i'll never forgive you, I mean you come round here and talk shit that you make us want to believe!

Jorge shakes his head with his jaw clenched, with an angry look on his face

Peter look down to the ground again, feeling shamefull

Peter: You'll be glad to know that Ritchard had a chat with me after the party had finished, he said that I have to leave for this season, because he doesn't want trouble with Tini and I....

Jorge's face relaxed a little but he refused to show any sighn forgiveness, the two of them stood there in silence, Peter held out his hand, Jorge looked at his hand and then looked up towards Peter.

Jorge: I'm only going to forgive you because I'm a nice person..

He points his finger directly towards Peter, making Peter feel a little intimidated

Jorge carries on with his sentence

Jorge: But if you ever come near any of us again, me or Tini, then you'll be the on lying on that cold stone hard floor by your house, just like three years ago.

Jorge soon shakes his hand and then turns his back and enters back inside, and slams the door behind, he left Peter outside speechless.

As Jorge slammed the door it made Tini look at him, she raises and eye-brow

Tini: Why did you slam the door like that? she said looking curiously.

Jorge: Well...I'm Just tired, just stressed, like you said a minuet ago...

He smiles as if nothing had happened outside, he returned to the place he had sat when the both of them had woken up and then after states

Jorge: Oh yes, and that was Ritchard at the door saying that he'd spoken to Peter yesterday after the party and told him to have a break and to not return for the next season!

He puts his arm around her and kisses her forehead.

Tini: Why did you say it was nobody at the door, then???

Jorge hesitated for a second but quickly lied again and said....

Jorge: (Stuttering) B B Because I didn't want you to be reminded about last night.

Tini (Thinking) I'm not sure if i believe Jorge, but then again I have to because he's my boyfriend~

Tini looks at Jorge and smiles.

Tini: He's probably emailed me something anyway, i'll check them before we go to bed tonight.

She smiled

directly into Jorges eyes, lent in and kissed him, they both seperated, Jorge smiled and muttered before kissing her again..

Jorge: You're so beautiful!


Thank you for reading and please comment because i love to hear all these comment from lovely readers, just to let you know, I'm only writing this book because you read it and enjoy reading it, thanks so much!

So, will Tini find out that Jorge had lied to her, and how do you think she'll react?.....

Also, I think I'm going to stick with uploading two chapters a day, what do you think about that? :)

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