Forgive and Forget?

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Jorge smiled at the face he saw

Jorge: Tini....

Tini: Jorge.... She looked down at the floor feeling uncomfortable.


I really need to speak to Jorge, obviously i want this relationship to work! Jorge stood there by the front door in silence, so did I, I wondered if he was going to let me in, he the said.

Jorge: I think we need to talk, now would be a great time!

Tini: Right, yeah.

He stood by the side of the door indicating fro me to come in, I the followed him into the lounge, we both sat on the sofa, a gap between us.

Jorge looked down into his lap.

Jorge: I've been thinking about you all night. He scratched the back of his head, almost as if he was feeling out of place.

Tini: Cool.. I wish i had never said that, it sort of made me sound stupid, after saying that a small smile formed on Jorge's face as he was still looking down.

Tini: What?! I said, trying to act as if I hadn't of done anything wrong

Jorge: Nothing..... He looked up at me with those guilt full puppy dog eyes of his.

Jorge: Listen, I feel terrible for saying those things yesterday, I just was angry at my self for lying to you, I sort of blammed it on you, when I shouldn't of done, I'm sorry I said stuff about still wanting to be with stephie because it wasn't true, I promise!

Tini: Yeah, well, I'm dorry for saying you acted like Peter, I mean, you were a bit of a jerk, but then so was I for saying those mean things.

Jorge: I think I can possibly forgive you..... He looked up and grinned, god how I missed seeing those dimples on his face, I mean one night seems like a whole year without him!

I looked down and smiled, I then gazed back up at his face.

Tini: The trouble is, spending a night a way from you is like spending a whole year on my own, and I think I could probably forgive you as well!

We both looked at each other and grinned, he pulled me towards his chest and hugged me tight, when you're in love with someone, you can't leave them, and that was me and Jorge!


The couple had decided to put the fight they had behind them and to forgive and forget!

Forever starts now ( A sequel to Forever? Forever.)Where stories live. Discover now