Chapter 54

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Lily buried herself in work for the next three months. There was a lot to plan and a lot more to execute. They all were so busy with work that they put everything on hold. Food, sleep, pleasure all came a distant second to the dream they were designing. The dream which would put an end to their thrilling life of art collection. They had made many memories but it was time to put an end to that chapter and jump into the next one. One which was legal and still kept them close to their world of art. There were some tears, some outbursts but everyone decided it was best to let go. And they put in their blood and sweat into making the museum a success.

And it was, Lily admitted as she took in the magnificent Gothic building with a hint of modernism, designed by the well-known architect Simon Hunt. A mild-mannered, soft-spoken man of thirty-five who was a distant relation of a Baron and liked to read Dostoevsky in his London apartment. Everything a certain man in Birmingham wasn't and on their last official meeting, the day she had seen her art gallery in concrete, Lily had agreed to his proposal for a dinner.

A dinner which was spent talking about writers and artists. And which ended in her bed, something Lily hadn't done in forever. She had lain still after they were done and he had understood her reservation and left. After her bed was empty, Lily had stared at her miniature chandelier and felt hot tears running down the corners of her eyes, into her hair. It was her decision but it left her with a bottomless yet hollow feeling. Like she had lost something huge and it had left behind a void.

Tommy was no longer the last man she'd been with and while she knew she should be rejoicing, all she could do was wipe back her tears.

Simon had surprised her and sent her flowers the next day, lilies to be specific with a small note thanking her for the wonderful evening and awaiting many more. She had carefully dumped them in the bin after an hour long contemplation of her recent actions. While she had been prudent enough to let Jessie keep Oliver, he could've seen Simon and formed all sorts of assumptions about him. She couldn't behave like a loose woman when her son was still coming on terms with his separation from Tommy. And if she didn't answer Simon back, her escapade could harm her business as well as repute. No one would want a woman who slept around as the President of a gallery.

Since she had dug her grave, she decided to might as well lie in it. Simon might be a little insipid but he offered stability. Moreover, she hadn't been with another man in five long years. It couldn't hurt to give him a go and with the art gallery complete, she could use another distraction. Or she would go back to moping around and revisiting her days in Small Heath.

So there she was, a week later, in her light pink sleeveless dress which had ruffles along the hem, taking in a painting with Simon by her side. The inauguration was almost over and only Guild members and a few guests were left but Lily was still waiting for someone.

'I love how this has turned out, Lillian.' Simon said as he took in the building. She had learnt that he had an aversion to nicknames and had asked if he could call her Lillian. Which was her birth name but no one had called her that, ever. Because she never let them.

'It's beautiful,' she conceded and looked around for the certain guest. 'I'll go and check with Colin. Do you mind if I leave you for a moment?'

'No, not at all. Go, it's your night.' He said amiably.

'I'll be back soon.' She smiled back and tried not to stumble on her high heels as she strode to the gaggle of girls surrounding Colin.

'The opening is going excellent. They love every single painting and sculpture.' He declared, wobbling a little from the wine.

'Yeah. It's amazing.' She said, her eyes still searching.

'What are you looking for?'

'Nothing. The Duke gave his confirmation, right?' She asked but Colin raised one eyebrow at her.

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