Chapter 43

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One night, after the boys were in bed, Lily was looking at the small statue she had unearthed while cleaning. It was old and damaged and probably not of any importance, considering how the Shelbys lived. But it wouldn’t hurt to verify its origins, she thought as she scraped the greenish rust from it. Maybe it could be a relic.

‘What are you doing?’

She fumbled to hide it from Tommy, not wanting to raise any suspicions. It wasn't as if she was ashamed of her profession, but it was Thomas Shelby. He always thought ahead.

‘Nothing. I was just reading.’ She said as she got up, biting her tongue at her blatant lie.

‘Give me that.’

‘What? And why are you here? Don’t you know a man shouldn’t be with an unchaperoned woman.’

He didn’t answer her, only reached for her hands.

‘Stop, Tommy. You’re hurting me.’ She lied easily this time as he divested her of the statue.

‘What's this?’

‘Nothing. It’s just a keepsake from my mother.’ She said solemnly; it was obvious he didn't know about its presence.

‘You found it here, didn’t you?’ His icy gaze penetrated every cell of her brain.

She sighed, ‘Yes, I did. And I was only looking at it.’

‘Were you planning to run away with this?’

‘Seriously? You’re accusing me of stealing this piece of scrap?’

‘Won’t be the first time.’ He muttered, remembering the ugly antique she was after.

‘This could be a valuable piece of art. I just want to, you know, be informed.’ She said with a slight shrug.

‘You won’t stay in the house anymore.’

She smiled suddenly, ‘Of course, that’s what I have been saying.’

‘You will go to the betting shop from tomorrow. Polly and Lizzie will be there to keep you company.’

‘And the children?’

‘They can go to Sutton. Karl is there too.’

She made a non-committal sound, her eyes still on the statue. 

‘Luca Changratta was in my office the other day.’

‘How are you still alive?’ She was actually shook by the news and angry that he had kept it from her, but he had just called her a thief. Which she was, but not presently.

His jaw hardened and she realised her mistake.

‘I mean, what did he say?’ She asked hastily. 

‘This vendetta is between the men. No children will be harmed.’

‘And you trust him?’

‘He wouldn’t be a man if he went back on his word. Nonetheless, we are prepared if he does.’ He sighed as he leaned against the wall.

‘Fine. But I’ll be back by afternoon.’

‘Inform me before you leave. In person.'

She scoffed a little, ‘Yeah, sure.’ 

‘I am not joking, Lily.’

'Good night, Tommy. Unlike you, some people need to sleep.'

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