my magic girlfriend pt3

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"So your like a ghost or something" you were looking at the refrigerator trying to figure out what it is. "Yeah" you said without looking away. "So when did you die" you just kept looking at the refrigerator "some time when carriages were being used."
Henry thought that was before cars were invented so a long time ago "ok so what happened were you killed by your husband." You shook your head "actually I ran away and I was mauled by a pack of wolves" Henry was now examining you, it took him a minute till he realized you two were about the same age. "Wait your 16 why did you get married, were you hopelessly in-love with someone" he had thought you were those type of girls who married early to have a family since they were inpatient. "Actually it was a rearrange marriage with someone who was 19 years older than me I think I only met him on the wedding day, technically we didn't get married since I ran away" Henry's mouth was wide open "what do you mean 19 years older that's gross and illegal" you chuckled as you turned toward him "not during my time infact it was perfectly normal" he was weirded out it grossed him out just by thinking about dating someone who was 19 years younger than him. "Anyway I don't really get inside look of evolution. So what's new now" he was still thinking why you would ever be rearranged to marry someone older than you. "Uhh I guess we have cars now. We don't have to marry someone 19 years older than us. We have microwaves" you were just listening even if you had no clue what he was talking about. You kinda liked him but not enough to catch feelings.

Belch carried you into the bathroom no matter how much you thrashed around he held you tight. Good thing his parents were out for the night. He put you in the tub as you still tried to get out but you kept slipping and causing more pain to your leg. He grabbed a first aid kit and looked through it. He put a bunch of stuff on the ground near the tub. When he grabbed the last item he need he kneeled down by you. He grabbed a bottle and opened it. Still scared you started to move more frantically. "Stay still your going to hurt it more" you did reluctantly. He grabbed your leg gently it shocked you he seemed like the type to be forceful. He poured the stuff in the bottle on your leg. The stuff burned real bad making you kicked your legs violently "you stupid human are you trying to kill me" you hissed. He did not listen he just grabbed your leg and taped a weird paper thing on the wound. He then grabbed a long bandage. He then wrapped your leg with it. You were happy you were helped but pissed it was a human. "Ok you helped me now take me home" you said crossing your arms and sticking your nose up like a brat. "No I know I said I'd help you but your still hurt I just covered it to keep it from getting infected and it keeps it from bending but not enough to heal you completely so you'll need to stay here for the night" your eyes widened "no absolutely not no. No. No" you tried to walk out but he grabbed you. You kept kicking him he threw you on his bed gently and lock his door. Since you lived in the woods you couldn't open the door no matter what. You were yelling at him and hitting him telling him to let you go. He forced a Metallica shirt on you to cover your bareness up. You tried to take it off but you stopped when you realized you were really warm and when you get really warm you fall asleep. When Belch turned around he saw you had passed out.

You were sitting in the same grave you flew away from. You waited for a few hours until you heard some leaves crunching. You turned your head to see the same teen. He came over and sat by you. You just stared forward waiting for him to speak. "So you actually came back" he said putting his arm around you pulling you closer. You jerked yourself away from him. "So what do you want?" you asked him. He got up and grabbed you and started to rub your back. "There is a few things I'd like to know. First how many people are like you. Second what kind of powers do you have. Third what do you want to know?" He kept rubbing her back almost lustfully. You pushed him away from her. "Well there are thousand of fairies, all fairies are put in categories depending on there powers I'm a Glamor fairy meaning I have the power of illusion making people believe something is more beautiful than it is and what I want to know is more about you humans" you said flying around him. He grabbed her arm pulling her down "well one way you could learn more about us is if you go out with me. I know it doesn't sound fun but staying with me I can guide you around and teach you about us humans" he smirked while pulling her closer to him till both of there chests were touching. She thought about it, it could possibly work but being like the humans could help her get closer and possibly help the fairy community. "Fine but don't try any funmy stuff I just want to understand you people more" he smirked knowing what he was doing.

Victor walked down the beach. It was peaceful at night. No one yelling or talking. No seagulls screaming. Just the ocean hitting the sand. When he finally made it to the cave  When he got inside he didn't see the mermaid. He sat on the rock he found her sitting on. He heard splashing. He looked toward the entrance. He saw the same girl smiling brightly. She crawled over toward him and sat flipping her tail up and down. "Soo..." She said cheerfully "oh boy where do I start umm. Hi again" she blushed a little "hi" it got really awkward for them but they slowly warmed up to each other again talking about the things they like about the ocean. Victor asked a few things about the ocean as y/n asked about the city. Both talked for hours laughing together and playing a little. Victor didn't want to leave but the sun was starting to rise. "I'm sorry y/n but I have to go so my family doesn't worry about me" she frowned a little both wanted to stay by each other "ok. Hey do you think we can see each other again" he smiled "yeah I'm sure even if you weren't a pretty mermaid I'd still come visit you" she blushed more. Then Victor started to get closer and he closed his eyes, lips started to pucker. Y/n wasn't sure if she wanted to kiss him yes she did but she could get in trouble if she was caught. What the heck! She thought and closed her eyes. Both of there lips met. This kiss started out messy, sloppy, and slow . Victor's hands made there way to her hips as hers went over his shoulders. Then Victor broke the kiss. "I'll visit you tomorrow" he said giving her a light peck on the cheek.

+I'm still open for request's+

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