cuddle stories

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I wasn't even dating him so why am I here. It just went so fast should I tell him to get off of me. He looks so peaceful though. He's a jerk though he torment's kids. Maybe I'm supposed to be his anchor. I think he could hear my thoughts since he tighten his grip around me. His face was buried into my chest. You'd think someone so mean would be more dominant. But here he's weak. Most people would take advantage of that and destroy him I've thought of it since before this he would hurt me and my friends but he did that to everyone. I was happy no one saw us right now, if they did who know what Henry would do to them. When I look down at him he's almost like a child. Now that I think of it, this must be new to him since his mother ran away from him and his father. He's never had a mother to hug, to cry with, or to tend to his wounds. I couldn't imagine not having a mother. I start to get sad and I hold tight onto him. I see him smile as I do.

Reggie and I were getting older. I got accepted into a college far far away from here. I was sad but happy that I would get into my dream college. Reggie was really sad and we did everything before I have to leave. Right now I'm laying with him in his car. The seats were folded so we have enough space. Both of us facing the roof with me laying on his chest. I'm relaxed until I feel his hand go down my side. His hand grabs my ass. I sit up and get on top of him. "Not right now Reggie!" I whined. He just chuckled and pulled me closer. I could feel him kissing the top of my head. I just lay on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It's relaxing to hear his heartbeat. I slowly fall asleep I really hope when I come back well still be in love but sometimes long distance relationships don't work out. But what Reggie and I have is strong I don't think anything will come between us.

I was in Patrick's room. I listened to him flicking his lighter open repeatedly. I wasn't sure if he even liked me. He's tried to have sex with me and I've denied of course he gets frustrated and threatens to leave me but I don't care. Usually he comes to the conclusion that if he does leave me there's no other girl who will take him. I layed on his bed thinking a little. I feel him lay by me still flicking his lighter. I move to my side to look at him. He keeps flicking his lighter just staring at the flame. "Do you want to cuddle?" I said lovingly. "Is it that weird thing when Sissy's hug each other" I roll my eyes "no even tough guys like you do it" I say tracing my fingers over his chest. He leans his head back. "Come on it's supposed to help with stress, when you can't sleep, or if you just want to have skin contact with your lover" he groans then lifts his head "fine but if you tell anyone I will break up with you and I'm serious this time" he rolls onto his side and I cling onto him. I listen to his breathing and it slows down, I think he's enjoying it as well.

I was laying on my bed just thinking about random stuff. It was quiet too quiet. Just then Victor burst into the room. He's huffing loudly and really red. Sometimes he gets mad but I've never seen him this upset. He just crawls on the bed. He plants his face between my breast. He keeps moving his face. He was progressively getting more frustrated. He then sits up and pulls his shirt off. He tries to pull mine off but he's so angry it's hard for him. I pull my shirt off and he doesn't wait even a second to tackle me. He moves my bra down just a little and lays on me. I just stare down at me. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I say since his little outburst was random. "No" he mumbled. I start to comb my fingers through his hair. A few minutes pass and we both fell asleep. I love Vic so much but he can be complicated at times.

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