abusive pt:4

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(I'm going to do something different with the story, also I changed Reginald to neglect abuse)


⚠️ Hits you when he's mad at someone or something
⚠️ Slaps you when you talk back
⚠️He only has angry or drunk sex with you
⚠️He has def cheated on you but if you even look at a guy he will take out the belt
⚠️It really bad even Pennywise feels slightly bad for you
⚠️Drunk almost everyday
⚠️You are a forced house wife and if you say anything about it he will beat you to half to death


⚡Use to give you everything he had
⚡Barely talks to you anymore though
⚡He got mad when you said you wanted to break up
⚡ Sometimes he forgets to pick you up from somewhere and your there for hours
⚡Vic usually picks you up since he's the only one who kinda cares
⚡Reginald hated that Vic cares for you more than he does


🔪 Pretty much controls your life
🔪 Chooses what you wear, what you say, who you hang out with, or even what you do
🔪You don't say no to anything after you saw the fridge
🔪He absolutely hates when you do something slightly different
🔪Treats you like a baby
🔪 Your mom tried to break you guys up


🔋any time you try to break up with him He threatens to hurt or kill himself
🔋He actually cut his wrist one time when you told him he needed therapy
🔋 Eventually you started doing everything he said so he wouldn't hurt himself
🔋He actually doesn't know this is harming you as well
🔋He is actually very loyal to you but he is scared you'll cheat on him

Daily dose of my thoughts on the book
(Possible spoilers)

I don't understand how Beverly curses at a young age but doesn't what the fuck balls are, not little play balls those gross ones on guys

Henry and Patrick aren't gay lover Patrick sexually assaulted Henry, sure at first he kinda consented but he didn't know what he was doing Patrick knew though

Why y'all simp for Henry, I understand if you simp for Nicholas but Henry, he's homophobic, sexist, racist, he's almost raped someone, sexually harass people

I want to shift there but I don't know if it is real some say it is and others day it's not

:P sorry I haven't been writing so much I'm just stressed from school and going out of town for the whole summer ECT but I hope y'all liked this.

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