Song Mingi - An Eternity

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I never thought I'd find myself standing here again. I stared out at the seemingly never ending water, for what felt like an eternity.
But then again, every second I've spent without him feels like an eternity.

I've had to get used to living without him, and parting ways has become more difficult each time.

And without even trying, my lips get pulled up into a smile as it all starts coming back to me.

It was just before sundown, and Y/N had been walking around since noon. Exploring what would be her new home for the next 3 months. She knew studying abroad was the opportunity for change she so very needed, a change of scenery, of people, of everything. To explore, to go far away, to learn as much as she could.

It's only been 2 days, but classes would be starting soon and she aspired to get to know this new place as much as she could before she got too busy to do so.

She looked out at the clear water, everything surrounded by the greenest mountains she's ever seen. Y/N leaned on the railing, her eyes shuttered close as the sweet smell of flowers and baked goods coming from the plaza filled her. Every single sound seemed to disappear.

That is, until he spoke.

"Excuse me" His voice was quiet as to not startle her. Y/N slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the light. That's when she saw those narrow, kind eyes for the first time. "I don't mean to intrude..." The red hair stranger paused briefly looking down and fidgeting with the camera in his hands.

Almost seemed like he was embarrassed to ask whatever he was going to ask. "You're just so-.. I mean, the view looks so beautiful right now, with the sun coming down... C-Can I take a picture of you?" He practically stumbled over his words from how fast he spoke. The man had to force himself to meet her gaze slightly.

Y/N looked the tall stranger up and down, noticing his innocence straight away. She thought for a split second before nodding with a smile.

"As long as you promise to make me look good". She joked in an attempt to make the situation a more comfortable experience for them both.

Little did she know, the small laugh that came out from her lips was enough to make him swoon in an instant.

He simply laughed along and bowed as a way to accept her conditions.

The man stood back to where he was initially, pointing his camera in her direction. He had not taken a single shot yet and he was already amazed. Y/N seemed to be glowing in the golden hour sun. Everything about her was captivating to him.

Y/N adopted what she thought would be a good 'pose', stopping herself from looking too awkward.

A few shots later, Y/N was too eager to see the pictures. She slightly ran toward the kind stranger, the smile on his face reassuring her of the positive outcome.

Without saying a word, the man begins showing her the camera roll. Warm orange tones filling the screen, the light bouncing off her face and the blue water reflecting the sun in the background. Every photo more beautiful than the last. She was seeing herself through his eyes in a way.

"You have to let me buy these photos from you, please" Her voice giving away how excited she was as she tugged gently on his coat, and forcing a big gummy smile from him.

He was planning on giving her the pictures from the start. "I couldn't possibly-". Just as he was about to reject her money, she interjected.

"I won't take No for an answer" She straightened herself, putting on her most serious expression. But her attempt to sound intimidating had the opposite effect as he found her pouting rather endearing.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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