Park Seonghwa: Aren't You Charming

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Soulmate first words AU (your soulmate's first words to you are written on you)

"I don't know Kat, I've never been good at bars, I get so awkward" You shrugged, hesitating about your best friend's suggestion.

"I'll be there to help! Besides, you've gotta get over him already!" She pulled the blankets off of you.

It's been a week since you found out the guy you were dating cheated on you with the girl you've hated since middle school. You weren't that hurt by him cheating, but the fact that he chose that girl over you made your blood boil, and she knew that. You knew she would not stop rubbing it in your face for the next few weeks.

"He wasn't even your soulmate..." She muttered under her breath. She was right. You looked fondly at the words engraved on your thigh, remembering the disappointment that came over you when those words were not the first thing your crush said to you.

Why did you decide you'd date him even though you knew he wasn't the one? Honestly, no idea, that wasn't your best moment. He was nice and cute, you figured why not.

You bolted out of bed, to your best friend's delight. "You know what? Fine, let's do this" You started looking through your drawers in search for the right outfit. You still were not sure it was a good idea but you'd do anything to get those two jerks out of your head.

After a couple hours, mostly spent on waiting for Kat to finally be ready, the two of you headed out the door and called an Uber.

"Kat where the heck are you taking me?!" She basically dragged you by the arm down the street. You were now someplace downtown.

"___ seriously, shut up and move" She replied with a chuckle. All you could do was roll your eyes, it's not like this is the first time she's dragged you somewhere.

You finally reached the bar she was talking about. It was actually quite nice, it wasn't overly packed, the atmosphere felt good. Somehow you didn't feel as awkward as you thought you would, something about this place gave you good vibes.

Before you knew it, it was already midnight. You were now sitting at the bar with Kat and one of her friends she had invited to come meet the two of you. You didn't have that much to drink to avoid getting all emotional or out of control, besides, Kat had had a little more to drink than usual so you had to stay conscious enough to take care of the both of you.

Anna, Kat's friend, was telling you a story from the last time she saw Kat drunk, when a guy walked over and asked Kat to dance. You told her to be careful and sent her off with a wink.

"Okay ___, when are you gonna go talk to him?" Anna asked with a suggestive smile.

You were a bit confused. "Who?" You asked back leaning in closer.

She turned to her right a little, motioning with her eyes. You followed her gaze and found a black haired guy sitting at a booth with some friends, his eyes met yours for a moment before he smirked and looked away.

"Why would I talk to him?" You brushed it off, taking another sip of your drink.

"Are you kidding? Dude he's hot and he's been stripping you off with his eyes all night" She replied close to your ear, finishing off by pinching your arm.

You flinched, it didn't hurt but you hoped she'd lay off it, you weren't the type to hook up with some guy to get over your ex.

"Omg omg, he's coming over, bye!" She said hurriedly getting up and blowing you a kiss as a wish good luck. You didn't even have time to react, one second she was there and the next her seat had been taken by the mystery hot guy. Though at first you pretended not to notice him.

"Did your friends drag you here?" His voice was deep, making the tingles you felt even stronger. It's not the first time you've heard those words, and you've learned not to get too carried away just because those were the words written on your body. They're pretty common after all. Yes, he's good looking, but you refused to let yourself be played again.

You scoffed and thought of your answer for a second. "Well aren't you charming" You finished your drink and turned to get up to join Anna on the dance floor, that is, before he grabbed your arm to stop you.

You turned to him, only to find a smug look on his face. You eyed him up and down like he was crazy and almost spat and annoyed *what?*

Still not letting go of you, he pulled down his shirt a little. And there it was, those exact words written in cursive across his collar bones. Your cheeks got flushed. You felt a slight sting where your ink was, but that didn't distract you from his dark eyes. He could tell you were thinking the same thing as him.

"I'm Seonghwa" He let go of your arm, this time taking your hand in his. You were still speechless, could this really be it? "Can I have this dance, love?"

From the corner of your eye you could see your friends losing their minds, maybe even more so than you. You directed your gaze back to him. "I thought you'd never ask" You gave him a wink and got up, leading the way.

He looked pleasantly surprised but followed you, all while flipping off his crazed friends.

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