Jung Wooyoung: I Hate Tuesday's

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Just like in any other school, there's always a group of people that are superior for one reason or another, and get either all the praise or all the hate. Whether it's money, good looks or just plain popularity. And your school was no exception.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, whatever your perspective is, you were not one of those people. You've mostly skated through, leaving you in the middle category.

You had a bit of a connection to the *superior* kind, though. The typical case of childhood friends that drifted apart as time went by, you'd still be friendly if you saw each other in the hallways, but nothing more than a small grin would come out of both of you. Did you still care for him? Obviously, but that didn't make a difference, he was his own person now, fully capable of making the choice to not talk to you, so all you could do was respect his choice.

Jung Wooyoung. Just thinking of his name got you all melancholic for the past, remembering all the memories the two of you made together as kids.

The shutting of your locker snapped you back into reality. With your books in hand, you basically dragged yourself to class. Tuesday's are the worst. Yes, Monday's are awful, but Tuesday's felt like a lifetime, you had every boring class that day, and as if it couldn't be more tiring, Wooyoung and his stupid friends were in a couple of said classes with you.

Okay maybe stupid isn't the word, you actually didn't mind his friends, but Tuesday's always had you in the wrong mood for their antics.

You plopped down on your usual seat and put in your earphones while class started. Were you one of those people that listen to sad music when they're down even when you knew you'd feel worse? Heck yeah. You put your *Feelings* playlist on shuffle. *Someone You Loved* by Lewis Capaldi started playing. Perfect, just perfect.

All throughtout the day you rarely took your earphones out. You were in a specially bad mood today for some reason. You just had to pull through, like a damn angsty teenager. By the end of the day, all you wanted was to throw yourself into bed and eat popcorn all day.

But apparently the universe had one more curveball to throw at you.

On your way home you came across the last person you wanted to see today.

"What are you doing?" You questioned him. He was sitting on the sidewalk leaning up against a street light pole. You weren't that surprised to find him there to be honest, he did live a couple houses away from yours so it was only logical for him to take the same way home.

"What do you care?" He hissed at you.

"I asked first Woo" You sassed, pausing your music and putting your earphones in your pocket.

He scoffed and patted the space beside him, signaling for you to sit down. You rolled your eyes but did as he motioned with a groan.

"I kinda got dumped..." He said with a bitter smile. You were not aware he was dating anyone actually, but now was probably not the best time to question him about it.

"Tough, sorry to hear that Woo" You gave him a pat on the back, you weren't that great at comforting people. "There, there".

"___ I'm not a f*cking dog" He looked at you with a weirded out face. "You're not good at this, can't belive you call yourself a girl"

You gave him a playful smack on the head and he pretended to groan in pain. "Well I don't do this everyday dumbass".

"Hey you can't insult me, I'm hurting here" He placed a hand on his chest dramatically. You huffed.

"Right, you seem so hurt..." You pushed his shoulder a little bit and he let out a small chuckle. "How come you got dumped? I thought the great Jung Wooyoung was usually the dumper" You felt free to joke about it, after all, he seemed almost glad whatever kind of relationship he had going on was over.

He lowered his head, smiling. "I told her I like someone else"

"That explains it..." You hummed and paused for a second. "What's his name? Is he cute?" You teased him.

"It's not a he, smartass" He stuck out his tongue. "And she is actually really beautiful, just so you know" He said with a very endearing smile, it was obvious he really liked her.

"I hope it works out with her, you gotta introduce us someday, I'll tell her embarassing stories about you" You gave him a wink.

In a moment he grabbed your hand in his, and as he turned to look at you he said "She already knows all those stories, she was there"

You didn't know what to think, you've loved Wooyoung since you were little, but you thought it was just *best friend love*. Though now, his words and the way he looked at you reignited something you didn't know was inside you.

"I think... I might love you ___" He said with a sad smile, like he thought there was no way you could ever feel the same. "I know it's pathetic, we haven't really talked in so long- "

You cut him off, pressing your lips against his, it took him a moment to kiss you back, but when he did, you felt him smile through the kiss.

Once you finally pulled away "It is kinda pathetic".

You both laughed and shared one last kiss before getting up and heading home. I guess you love Tuesday's now.

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