Kang Yeosang: Teddy Bear

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Soulmate birth mark AU (Cause Yeosang)

"Mings come on! Please!"

You've been begging your brother Mingi to go with you to the town fair. It's the last week it'll be open and you've been dying to go. Mingi has been busy these days, but he finally had a day off and you've spent the last hour giving him reasons to make him go with you.

You and Mingi have always been close, no matter how busy or tired or angry either of you get, you're always there for each other at the end of the day.

"I'll get you that ice cream you always love! And and and one of those funnel cakes!" You were pacing around him like a small child. The two of you may be fraternal twins but it's almost like he stole all the height from you.

Mingi raised his eyebrows. Okay yeah, now he was interested. He was gonna accept either way but he wanted to see what else you were willing to get him.

"Hmmm... Maybe..." He crossed his arms acting aloof.

You grunted, trying to come up with something more enticing. "Ugh, I'll pay for all the tickets" You rolled your eyes at the thought, the money wasn't the issue, you just weren't very fond of giving Mingi that kind of power.

He smiled mischievously. "Alright, let's go" He pulled your arm, you barely got the time to grab your bag before he rushed out the door.

After a few minutes drive, you got to the town fair. It was just before 6 pm, the perfect time, just when the sun is starting to go down and the breeze gets fresher.

Once you were done getting all the tickets for the games, you walked back to where you left Mingi, but he wasn't there.

"This dumb giraffe boy..." You looked around trying to find him, but it was harder than you thought. Quickly enough you gave up, it's his loss anyways, you've got the tickets.

You started walking around all the game booths, you tried a couple of them but didn't win anything special, just some cotton candy and a rubber duck for some reason. You made your way to one of the water gun games, you know the one where you have to pop a ballon or something?

You gave your ticket to the guy and found a seat. There were a couple seats left so you had to wait for them to be full so the game could start. In the meantime, you looked at all the prizes, thinking about which one you'd take if you won. The giant brown teddy bear in the corner caught your eye. Cliché right? A little, but to be fair, bears have always been your thing, since the birthmark on your eye looked like a bear.

You didn't even notice when a guy sat down in the space next to you. You turned your head out of curiosity, but quickly looked away, he was giving you some very judgy side eye. Okay he was cute, but he's playing this game too, he's in no position to judge.

The loud buzzing sound of the game starting startled you, but you started shooting at the target, now you were determined to win just because.

Halfway through you saw the balloon next to yours was filling up faster. You scrunched your nose, how is he doing that?! You're being as fast as you can!

You grunted in frustration when his balloon popped, the loud buzzer ringing in your ears.

As you stood up to leave, you heard the game guy ask the jerk which prize he wanted. Honestly, you didn't even bother to stay long enough to know the answer, you wanted to find Mingi and get some ice cream.

You stopped in front of the ice cream booth and took out your phone to text your lost brother, but before you even opened the chat, your phone got knocked out of your hand. You didn't care to see what it was, you bent down to pick it up and cursed at whatever reckless being was at fault.

"Hey! No one ever taught you to be careful?" You said annoyed dusting off your phone but got no reply. Finally you looked in front of you.

"I'm sorry..." A mellow voice came from behind the big ass bear as its handler tilted the bear's head to one side. Cute...

"It's not nice to bump into strangers" You said as you cupped the bear's chubby face.

"Then let's not be strangers" The cute jerk's face poked out from behind the stuffed toy.

Your eyes instantly fell on his. There it was, that rosey mark you've only ever seen when looking in the mirror. His serious face quickly became a smirk.

"That's the exact same face I made when I first saw you" He covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

You breathed in, his comment got you to relax quite easily. "Shut up" You hit his arm playfully, and he pretended to be hurt.

"Ah~ Mingi said you were dangerous but I didn't think you'd hurt me this soon" He whined holding on tighter to the teddy bear.

Wait what?

"Did you just say-" You got cut off.

"Ah I see you've met Sangie~" Mingi came in out of nowhere and put his arms around the both of you.

"It's Yeosang" He said to you. "And Mingi, if you call me Sangie again you will lose a finger" He stared blankly at your brother, but you chimed in.

"Hey, only I can threaten him" You pushed him softly. The two of you laughed, looks like you have more in common than you thought.

Mingi walked in front of you and shuddered. "Ugh you two together may have been a bad idea..."

Yeosang handed the teddy bear over to you before yelling at Mingi. "Just shut it and get me the ice cream you promised me!"

Hope everyone is doing okay with all the craziness from the comeback
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