Park Seonghwa: Party Time PART 1

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Ah how fun it is to be in love with your best friend. So so fun and not at all painful and sad. Have you ever felt so passionately about someone, who is possibly the most amazing and caring and funny person you know, that you'd do anything for them?

Only to be stuck with your feelings cause they're way out of your league and you think 'Oh please, like he'd ever go for someone like me' so you suffer in silence but still wanna see them happy even if it's not with you?

Well, welcome to your life, have fun!

And just who is the before mentioned best friend? Glad you asked. You and Seonghwa have been friends since middle school, you've grown together, made memories, knew everything there is to know about each other. The things that made you happy, the things that made him mad, how proud and cocky he gets when your mom says she likes him more than the guys you've dated, and how every time his mom calls you her future daughter-in-law when he's not around you get all shy and nervous.

So yeah, you could say the two of you were nearly damn inseparable.

"Come on Hwa, you need to relax!"

Midterms were over, you were walking out of school with your friend group. And your shared friend Wooyoung was having a party at his house to celebrate and unwind.

Neither you nor Seonghwa were big drinkers but you did enjoy a good party and a couple of drinks.

"I don't feel like being your babysitter Woo"

"I promise I'll control myself this time!"

You and Seonghwa shared a 'he says this every time' look. And he really did. Last time it was complete chaos. Yunho ended up passed out in the backyard, San jumped in the pool from the balcony, Mingi went into cry-baby mode, and Wooyoung flirted all night with Yeosang for some reason (he chooses one person from your friend group to flirt with each party, it's not a good look) and made out with a literal statue.

All the while, Seonghwa, Jongho and you tried to keep everyone in check and get them home alive. Hongjoong doesn't drink so he didn't even bother to stay long enough to experience the mess.

But both you and Hwa knew, there was no way you'd leave them on their own, they really need their mom friends to survive, and neither of you had the heart to say no.

Seonghwa let out a very annoyed sigh. "Fine but you gotta swear on your life you won't get blackout drunk" He pointed harshly at Wooyoung in a scolding manner before leaning in closer to his ear so no one else could hear. "Or I'll tell ___ what I caught you doing while looking at pictures of her"

Wooyoung's face went pale, his eyes widened and his mouth nearly dropped to the floor. "You wouldn't..." He hissed with narrowed eyes.

"Try me" This time Seonghwa said it loudly. Everyone knew he threatened him. With what, was a mystery to you.

Most of the guys knew about Wooyoung's crush on you and how scared he was of you finding out since he knew you liked Seonghwa and nothing could ever happen between you two. Actually, everyone else knew you liked Seonghwa, well except of course the man himself.

"Seriously Woo, you know how scarred Sangie was after last time, we almost thought he'd need therapy" You said with a chuckle, in an attempt to make everyone less tense.

The boys started laughing in agreement.

In the end, you all agreed to going to the party, with the mystery threat still in place.


You were finally done getting ready when you heard Seonghwa's car pull up to our house. You said goodbye to your parents before heading out and into your ride.

Yunho and Mingi were already in the back seat. They always leave the front seat for you out of both respect and fear.

"Looking good ___" Mingi shuffled your hair a little. You wore a pretty basic party outfit, just a simple LBD with safety shorts obvi (Little Black Dress) with a jean jacket and your black boots.

"I figured this wouldn't look as messy in case San throws up on me again or Yunho drags me to the ground if I need to carry him" You said looking back to the boys.

"You shouldn't have tried, I could've crushed you" Yunho shrugged remembering how the two of you have shirts with matching grass stains from last time.

"Do you know if Lia will be there?" Seonghwa asked out of nowhere.

"Uh how would I know?" You were so confused. Why is he asking about her? You have literally never seen them interact. And damn it she was pretty.

"She's friends with Nari right? And you're friends with Nari" He shrugged it off acting all casual, but you could see right through it.

"Yeah but we don't really talk..." He's not into her... is he? You could feel the green monster building up inside you. You turned to the window in hopes to calm it down.

"I hope she is..." You heard him mumble under his breath. You struggled to hold back tears. You knew the moment would come, the moment Seonghwa liked someone else, you saw it coming, but it still hurt like a bitch.


Well Wooyoung didn't keep his promise.

It wasn't even 11:30 pm and he was already in his flirtying mode. Person of choice for tonight: You. It had happened before, so you knew it was easier to just drink his crazy Kool-Aid than to tell him to stop. Though he wasn't being as intense as with the guys, you actually didn't mind his flirty side, it was pretty entertaining.

To be honest, by the time 1 am rolled around, you were tipsier than usual, jealous of dumb LiA, and since Seonghwa was nowhere in sight, you were a little needy for attention.

"Woo~" The two of you were sitting on the couch. His drunk state was starting to fade, but yours was at its all time high.

"Yes cutie pooh~?" He said in the same slurred manner.

"First of all, don't call me that-" He smirked as you put a finger over his lips to shush him. "Second, do you think I'm unlovable?" You looked up at him with puppy eyes.

He could see the sadness in your eyes.

"___, I-"

Not gonna lie, I actually really like how this 2 part story came out, idk why

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