Choi San: Pouring Rain

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"Guys guys he's coming!"

You ran to stand by your locker, San's was in front of yours. Your friends Nari and Minnie ran around the corner, poking their heads out to catch his reaction.

"Good morning Choi San" You waved, instantly getting an eye roll from him. You knew he didn't really like people saying his whole name, so of course you had to do it on purpose.

You looked over your shoulder, waiting for the exact moment to admire your soon to be masterpiece. In the blink of an eye, San opened his locker and a huge ball of shaving cream flew into his face. It caught everyone's attention, some shocked people, some laughing, and some completely tired of the silly competition.

You and San have had a prank war going on for a few weeks now, today was revenge for him putting honey into the body wash you use after gym last week, that one really deserved a harsher approach. Exactly, you didn't feel bad about it. Well, that is until he turned around, spitting some of the shaving cream that got into his mouth and basically stabbed you with his eyes. He scary...

"What the hell ___?! I have a presentation during first period you dumbass!"

Your eyes widened, he was truly angry... You started panicking. "San I- I didn't-" But before you could finish saying anything, he stomped off leaving you dumbfounded.

You facepalmed as your friends came up to you with cringing faces. You never actually meant any harm...

"Damn ___ that was way harsh..." Nari broke the uncomfortable silence as the three of you walked to class.

"I don't get why the two of you don't leave the pranks at home, you're neighbours, wanna prank each other? It's right there!" Minnie continued.

You shrugged in response, honestly you don't even remember how this war started. You thought it was all in good fun but with the stunt you just pulled, all you could do was wait for karma.

For the rest of the day you didn't see a trace of San, you'd usually see him in the halls, but most likely he decided to ditch.

Your school day was finally over. On your way home you kept trying to come up with the words to apologise, you've never been able to stand someone being mad at you, and San wasn't the exception.

A big ass raindrop fell on your head, making you look up at the huge black clouds coming your way. Soon enough you were running through the rain as fast as you could to get home. A couple minutes later you ran up your driveway.

"Crap" You tried opening the locked door, but to no luck. Your key was nowhere to be found and your parents wouldn't be home for a while. You leaned up against your front door with defeat, the height of the house providing a tiny bit of shelter from the pouring rain and slowly slid down the door.

After a while you started feeling weak. You had skipped breakfast that morning, and your soaking wet clothes and hair, combined with the cold air blowing could be the cause of the fever you felt coming on. You leaned your head back before your sight went blurry as you fell asleep. Karma really is a bitch.


You felt something dripping down your face. The warm, fuzzy feeling waking you up, your sight still a bit hazey.

As you opened your eyes, you see a dark head of hair, his hands coming closer, and naturally, you scream and start kicking, cause who wouldn't?

"That hurt ___! What's with you today?!" You fully realise what you've just done. You turn to see San on the floor, rubbing his butt. First the prank and now you've pushed him to the floor. Great. Your eyes scan the room. Well this is certainly not your room.

"San where am I? What are you doing?" He got up with a pained look still and sat on the bed, taking a wet towel in his hand.

"Well I was trying to keep you alive before you freaked" He said handing you the towel to put on your forehead. "And if it wasn't obvious, welcome to my room I guess" He shrugged as he said that last part.

You nodded and started to come out of your panicked state. That's when you looked down. These... these aren't the clothes you were wearing... These are dry... and smell like boy.

You grabbed the hem of the shirt you were wearing and feared the worst. "Uh San?" He looked at you and hummed. "W-We didn't... You know... Right?"

He seemed confused at first but quickly realised what you meant. "Ew ___ no! You were literally passed out! I'm offended you'd even think I would do that" He jumped off the bed, shuddering even thinking about it. "My sister helped change you, and she's not into you so don't flatter yourself"

You let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you then... For helping me" You said this time with a softer tone than usual.

"It's nothing, I'm glad your fever is down" He gave you a calm and honest smile. Damn his smile is cute. "My mom called your parents by the way, they'll be home late so you'll stay here until the rain stops" He handed you a glass of juice and some medication that was on his night table. You nodded and took the medicine. You haven't been inside his house in a long time, since the two of you were little, before the whole drifting apart and constant wars happened.

After a little bit, San's mom called you two down for dinner. Oh how you've missed her, you might not be that close to San anymore but his mom has always been a sweatheart, always welcomed you with open arms.

The whole family, and you, enjoyed dinner, making small talk here and there, asked about your parents and school, you know, the usual stuff parents ask. Until the rain finally stopped and your parents called you to come back home, so you started your goodbyes.

"Thanks for everything Mrs. Choi, I really loved your food" You said as she hugged you like a long lost daughter.

"You're welcome back whenever my dear" She replied with that oh so bright smile that San inherited.

Lastly you turned to San. "Thanks again, for saving me" He shrugged, that sweet smile still present. "And I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry for what happened this morning, I swear if I knew you had something important to do, I would've never done it I'm so sorry San" You were out of breath from talking so fast, but all he did was laugh.

"It's fine ___, Wooyoung lend me the spare clothes he keeps for after gym" He placed his hand on your shoulder to help you calm down.

"So you won't hate me tomorrow?" You asked with hopeful eyes, but he seemed to be taken by surprise.

"I don't hate you ___, not today, not tomorrow. I never have. I thought you hated me" He replied with an awkward smile.

You gained up the courage from his words and hugged him. "I don't. I actually quite like you most of the time" The both of you quickly realised what you had said and blushed intensely.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He hugged you once more, leaving a short but soft kiss on your forehead. You nodded and waved as you made your way home.

i'm thinking i might give writing some light smut a try since i've never done that before. if i do, i'll put a warning just in case

Ateez ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon