Jeong Yunho: Bunny

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To have your crush walk in on you doing something embarassing is unlucky. Your crush being your older, protective brother's best friend was unfortunate. Your crush knowing you like them and take every chance they get to tease you about it was simply terrible and humiliating.

But all of those coming together? It was easily your worst nightmare.

The view must've been pretty amusing, you in your bunny print pyjama shorts jumping around in your room with Twice music playing on full blast.

Once the song was over, you noticed the shadow being cast by the hallway light. You turned around only to nearly get a heart attack.

"H-How long have you been standing there?" You crossed your arms protecting yourself from the humiliation that was to come.

"Long enough, bunny" He knew exactly that any pet name coming from his lips would trigger something inside you. That, combined with the low voice he used when teasing you, and the way he leaned against your door frame with his arms crossed while eyeing you up and down... Oof, he'll be the death of your sanity.

Your desperate attempt to avoid eye contact was painfully obvious, and he was enjoying the effect he had on you, giggling at your flustered state.

"Joong sent me to tell you dinner's ready" He smirked as he turned around to head downstairs. At this point, you had to stop yourself from butting head first into a wall.

You grabbed your phone and took a deep breath before heading down to the kitchen.

You stopped abruptly at the bottom of the stairs at the sight of 6 panicking sets of eyes, accompanied with one mischievous stare and a very furious glare from your brother.

"I swear ___ if you don't cover yourself right now!"

You didn't even reply, you ran straight back into your room and came back down with a big blanket wrapped around you.

"You didn't tell me they were here DumbJoong" Your cheeks burning up. You get along with your brother's friends, but Hongjoong has always been strict with the 'don't you dare touch my sister' rule, so they were all careful not to get on his bad side. Well, except for Yunho, he was sneaky about it, but was definitely not shy when it came to messing with you.

You bowed slightly to kind of apologise to the boys for making them panic and rushed into the kitchen to get your food.

Today was movie night, usually your best friend Nari would join you, but she had a thing with her parents so tonight it was just you and the boys.

Once everyone had their food, you all went into the living room and found a place to sit.

You took the farthest right space on the sofa, and thanked the universe when San sat next to you, this way you'd be comfortable. You and him were close, he was your boy version of Nari, and you were his girl version of Wooyoung. It was pretty convenient whenever either of you needed advice or someone to rant to.

"So, what are we watching today?" Yeosang asked the group. You'd normally put it to a vote once you had a couple of options.

"Anything but Frozen please" Wooyoung complained as a bit of a warning.

Almost instantly, Mingi, Jongho, San and you gave him a stabbing stare. I mean come on, you've only seen it a couple times, he's totally overreacting.

"But- Elsa..." Mingi whined, he almost seemed hurt from being banned of his current favourite movie.

You groaned, very aware that the whole Frozen argument could go on for hours, it wasn't worth it. "Okay okay fine, how about To All The Boys I've Loved Before? We haven't watched that one" You put your arm up, looking around the room waiting for any of the boys to agree.

Slowly but surely, they were into the idea and raised their hands. Yes, they were down to see a cheesy, romantic movie cause ain't nobody got time for toxic masculinity.

"Only if you weirdos don't find a way to make it into a musical" Hongjoong warned the four of you.

You all shared a look and San nodded. "I think we'll manage". And with that, Seonghwa pressed play.


About halfway through the movie, by the time the ski trip part of the movie came on, San went to the bathroom.

By now you were too invested in the movie, the whole fake relationship to get your ex jealous situation aside, it sounded pretty romantic how a totally friendly and kinda childish deal turned out to be the beginning of a beautiful love.

You had your eyes glued to the screen when you felt a dip in the space next to you.

You put half of your blanket over San's legs and held his hand. "She's finally realising she has feelings for that Noah Centipede guy" You whispered close to him, your eyes still on the TV.

And so, the hot tub scene came on. You couldn't help but blush once you realised what was about to happen. You saw a couple of the guys looking anywhere but the screen out of awkwardness, and hopefully the room was dark enough so they wouldn't see the red tint on your cheeks.

The sudden movement sent shivers down your spine. You felt San let go of your hand and place it softly on your exposed thigh under the blanket. You didn't think much of it at first, but when he squeezed lightly you knew something was up.

Hesitantly, you lowered your head to where that big hand was, following up his arm with your eyes, only to find it wasn't San.

Your eyes fell on Yunho's face, his eyes locked to the heated scene being played, acting as if his hand wasn't making you melt under his touch.

"W-What are you doing?" You whispered to the oh so nonchalant boy next to you, trying not to show how nervous you were.

A small smirk on his lips, still not directing his gaze to you. "I'm trying something..." He whispered back in a lower tone if possible. You nearly jumped when he moved his hand farther up your thigh and started tracing circles with his thumb.

His smirk grew wider as he felt the way you trembled with such a light touch, even more so once he saw your tinted cheeks, how you bit your lip in an attempt to push the impure thoughts away. All the while you didn't even try to take his hand away. Something inside you ignited, your mind warned you he was playing a sick game, but your body was longing for it.

"This- This isn't funny Yunho" You struggled to keep any lewd sounds from coming out.

He giggled quietly, his eyes falling on every aspect of your suffering face. "I disagree. It's funny how needy you are for me, bunny" He said that last word closer to your ear, making another round of electricity course through your body.

His hand was now mere centimeters away from crossing a dangerous but exciting line. He knew that once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop.

You looked around the room frantically, the both of you would be dead if any of the boys noticed what was happening, thankfully most of them were either sleeping or just about to be. Still biting your lip to stop the sounds, you looked up at him with begging eyes. You weren't sure if you were begging for him to stop or to keep going.

He leaned in closer. "Do you want me that bad, baby?" He loved the innocent, shocked look on your face every time he traced a new circle, turning you on more and more.

You nodded shyly hoping he'd have a little mercy on you.

His smile was evil and his eyes went dark with nothing but lust. "Go upstairs and wait for me, I'll be up in a minute" He whispered once more and placed a kiss on your neck before letting go of your thigh.

You didn't know what you were getting into, and you didn't care. And so, you just followed his orders.

👀 that look on Yunho was something else omg

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