Choi San: Acting Out

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"Yes Sannie, I will marry you!"
"Oh so you finally confessed?"
Your eyes went wide. "Choi San what is he talking about?"

You and your best friend San were messing around at the Ateez dorms.

Yes you were friends with Ateez, you became friends before their debut, the fans knew about you and though there was some hate here and there, a lot of the fans either found you non-threatening or shipped you with the boys.

You were the closest with San, of course you loved the other boys and still thought of them as your best friends, but there was something about San's energy that made you gravitate towards him the most. (*cough cough* a bit of a crush *cough cough*)

But you felt like he'd never see you as more than a friend. Who calls the person they like "dude"? You didn't just feel friend zoned, you were straight up bro-zoned.

Well, today San had a day off since he had nailed the new choreography the day before, so management let him rest today.
He called you over, mostly cause he didn't want to be alone, but also because he wanted to show you something he had found.

"Alright alright I'm here! What's so urgent?" You burst through the door.
San came running down the stairs and almost tackled you down with a hug.

"What took you so long? Damn" He asked exasperated, which made you roll your eyes.

"It was like 15 minutes, calm your tits" You made your way to the couch and plopped down. Yeah, you were that close.

San went into the kitchen and quickly came out with a couple bags of chips and some snacks and proceeded to launch them to the couch space next to you.

"Eat so you won't faint when I show you this" He prompted you with a mischievous tone, leaving you slightly curious as to what he meant.

"San what did you do?" You asked opening a bag of chips but still staring at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Technically I didn't do it, I found it" He replied sitting on the other side of the snack mountain and connecting his phone to the living room tv screen.

"If you're gonna show me some weird ass porn video too, I'm not interested" You sent him a killer glare. He shuddered in disgust.

"I'm not gross like Wooyoung, ___." He almost gagged at the thought. "Why did he show you that anyway?"

"He said he wanted to know if someone else also found it weird or if he was just broken" You couldn't help but laugh a little remembering how scared Woo was, but you had to reassure him nothing was wrong with him, the video was just way too weird. The whole ordeal ended up being a bonding moment for the two of you.

"___ gross stop thinking about it!" San threw a pillow at you, making you snap out of your thoughts.

"I wasn't! It's just hard to forget something like that" This time you were the one shuddering.

The TV screen went black for a second before getting filled with text. Your eyes went from reading some of the text, back to San.

"Uuuuh what is that?" But of course you already knew the answer. It was fanfiction. You had been tempted to read some of it before but thought it would be creepy if any of the guys found out.

"Someone made a bit of a book about us" He replied as he started to chuckle.

"Uh have you read it yet?" If being friends with a bunch of idols has taught you anything is that their fans aren't always as innocent as they seem. And San loves taking any opportunity he gets to tease you, so this could be pure gold to him.

"A little bit yeah, it's kinda cute to be honest" He stood up and started acting out what looked like him coming home to you. "___ ready to go?"
The two of you began acting out what was on the screen, apparently in the story San came home from work and had plans to go out but it was late so you just had a stay at home date and he ended up proposing, not gonna lie, the thought gave you butterflies.
It was actually pretty fun acting with San, exaggerating the whole thing.

"Yes Sannie, I will marry you!" You said in an over-excited voice.
At the worst moment possible, the rest of the boys got home.

"Oh so you finally confessed?" Hongjoong asked as the rest of the boys started jumping around like little kids.

Your eyes went wide. "Choi San what is he talking about?" You composed yourself, staring at San waiting for what he'd say.

He stayed silent for a moment before scratching the back of his neck and letting out a defeated sigh. "I guess I might as well now" He chuckled nervously and walked closer to you.
"San... you like me?" You still couldn't believe it, maybe it was a prank.

"I do, for a while now..." He places a hand on your cheek hoping you wouldn't react badly.

You didn't even bother to say anything, you gave him a bright smile knowing he'd understand what you were thinking.
As soon as he saw your smile, he knew: You like him too.

He leaned in with the biggest smile letting his cute dimples show and placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
The boys started whooping, kinda ruining the moment and kinda making it even cuter somehow. You hid your face in his chest as he scolded the guys and hugged you close.

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