Kim Hongjoong: Our New Holiday

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"You know this is the silliest thing you've pulled, right?"

There you were, standing in front of your boyfriend Hongjoong, looking at him in disbelief.

You and Hongjoong had been together for almost 3 years now, you'd think that after being together for that long and with his music career keeping him busy, there wouldn't be any more new tricks left for him to pull out of his hat.

But that's the thing, no matter what, he could always find a way to surprise you. You've gotten to know him extremely well, but there was always something new, and you loved that about him.
Even with his packed schedule and your hectic job, you two could always make the little time you had together meaningful.

You worked at an advertising agency, in which you were still somewhat new, so you got assigned the hardest, most tedious jobs, but being able to come home to Hongjoong made it all worth while.

Though soon he'd be going on tour, which meant he was training more than usual. As to be expected, this made you sad, but you were so proud of him, you would support him no matter what, just like he'd been there for you before.
He had mentioned that, because of the tour, there was a possibility you wouldn't spend the holidays together, but you hadn't given it much thought since- 1: The holidays were a few months away, so there was still a chance you two could make it work, and 2: You still didn't know if you'd get the holidays off from work.

Anyways, you were now getting home from working a couple extra hours. You kicked off your shoes and basically yeeted your work bag into oblivion.

The house was quiet, but a nice, warm cinnamon-y smell hit you.

"Joongie! I'm home!"

No response.

"Something smells nice! At least I know you didn't burn the kitchen down" You giggled a little.

Still nothing.

This worried you a little, the lights in the house were on, but there wasn't a single sound to be heard.

You adventured into the living room, and that's where you found him.
He was standing in the middle of the room with the biggest smile on his face, wearing a very ugly Christmas sweater and a Santa hat.

He had put up the tree you stored in the attic, it had all the lights and decorations you used every year, even the angel topper your mom had gifted you a few years back. He had hung up  the matching stockings you had bought the previous year. A couple plates of cookies and a jug of what looked like chocolate milk rested on the coffee table.

"Merry Christmas love!" He cheered opening up his arms in a *TADA*-like motion. His joyful self made you giggle.

"Joongie, it's the middle of July" You chuckled a little walking towards him.

"I know, I just didn't want to risk not being able to be together for the holidays, so I figured why not bring the holidays to us?" He shrugged, admiring his own doing. "I even turned up the AC so it'd kinda feel like winter!"

You hugged him and he placed a kiss on the top of your head.

"You know this is the silliest thing you've pulled, right?" You questioned, looking into his eyes with a smile.

"Oh wait till you see your sweater" He have you a playful smirk. "It's in our room"

You rolled your eyes and headed towards the room you and Joongie shared.

You walk in and spot it easily. A, again, very ugly sweater, it had jingle bells and pom poms attached to it, and a headband with antlers next to it.
You grinned at the craziness and quickly put the items on.

You turned only to find Hongjoong standing at the door and his arms crossed, grinning.

You started posing every which way you could think of. "How do I look?"

"Absolutely... and totally... ridiculous"

You both laughed at his comment. You went to hug him again.

"Anything you're missing?" He asked.

You hummed for a second, trying to think of anything you might have forgotten but nothing came to mind. Finally you gave up and shook your head.

He did his teasing eye roll and looked up, which made you follow his gaze.
There, hanging from the door frame: A sprig of mistletoe.

You looked down to find him already looking into your eyes. After a moment of admiring his beauty, both of you leaned in for a gentle, love-filled kiss, you could feel him smile through it.
After a bit, you pulled away and placed your head on the crook of his neck, holding on to him.

"This is why I love you.." You stated softly.

"Thank you! You know how hard it is to find mistletoe in July?!" You playfully hit his back and the both of you laughed.

"I love you too ___, Merry Christmas baby"

This is the first one omg I'm panicking ✨have a great day everyone✨

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