Jung Wooyoung: Aftertaste

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Ah~ the ups and downs of having a great boyfriend. Ups? Funny, kind, caring, humble, extremely cute and sexy when he wants to be, everyhing you could ask for. Downs? He's all any girl, and boy, could ask for, which only meant you had to deal with that much more competition.

You had to admit, this made you really self-conscious at times, made you question why would he even want you when he could have any person he pointed at. It's not that you weren't a catch, cause you are, it's just those intrusive thoughts could be a little overwhelming.

Wooyoung would do his best to make you feel safe, to let you know he only had eyes for you, which only made you love him that much more.

But you're not perfect, and neither is he. Though most of the times he found your moments of jealousy adorable, he had a limit, and so did you when it came to the way he obliviously got way past the friendly kind of behaviour with other girls. That's just who he was, and who you were. But the arguments would sometimes turn a little too heated for your likings.

"I'm just saying, I wouldn't put my hand on my male friend's thigh" You said with a little passive-aggressiveness in your voice as you made your way into your apartment.

"I just don't get what the big deal is ___! It meant nothing!" He let out an incredulous chuckle, coming in right behind you and nearly slamming the door shut.

You threw your bag onto the living room couch, your jaw dropping still not believing what he just said. "That's the issue Woo, you just don't see it! I know that girl, I've heard the thirsty ass things she says about you, and she hates me" You rubbed your temples in an attempt to forget her disgusting words that made you gag just at the thought.

"I don't get it! No matter what I do, you always have to let your insecurities get to you and I'm tired of it!" He raised his voice, completely ignoring your good reason to be upset. Not gonna lie, his words struck a nerve, he had no business calling you out like that.

"If I'm so tiring, just go Wooyoung! Go be with one of the thousands of girls who will put up with you, one of them will be easier to handle!" You didn't mean it, as soon as the words left your mouth your heart dropped, you were silently begging he wouldn't actually go. But your heart shattered when he actually took his coat.

"You know what?! Maybe I will! We're over ___" He spat at you, sending one last furious glare your way and slamming the door shut on his way out. Leaving you a panicking mess on the living room floor. Was this really over?


A few weeks have gone by. You've tried communication, you've tried to apologise for your jealousy, but to no avail. Wooyoung had blocked your number just one day after your fight, and he wouldn't answer the door when you tried to do it in person, so you quickly took the hint. He was done with you, and you didn't want him to end up hating you for insisting, so after a couple weeks you gave up.

But today was your last attempt.

You'd been offered a pretty decent promotion at work, but it came with the condition that you had to move practically across the country, and you didn't want to leave without saying goodbye, you felt like you owed him at least that much.

There you were, standing at Wooyoung's doorstep, not knowing what to do with this new information.

She's pretty. An unknown girl opened his door, in nothing more than just a big shirt and hopefully some degree of underwear underneath. With all the little self-esteem left in you, you asked her if Wooyoung was home, of course avoiding to mention your now non-existent relationship.

"He's in the shower" She says unknowingly of how those words stabbed your heart. Just at the perfect moment, Wooyoung came out the bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair still dripping.

You made painful eye contact for a mere second before you bolted out of there without saying another word.

It hurt, yes. But he clearly had moved on, and your chance to do so too was just an hour away, the plane ride that would give your broken heart a clean slate.

So, how did he know you were at the airport? No idea. Wooyoung had always been the type of person to get what he wanted, even if that meant finding his ex.

"Go away Woo, I can't see you right now" You kept walking through the big halls, making your way towards the security checkpoint.

"Too bad, cause now I need to tell you I'm sorry about what happened" He grabbed your wrist, making you stop in your place.

"Oh so what? You want me to forgive you? You can't take back what you did Jung Wooyoung" Your blank face took him by surprise, the sound of his full name meaning you were beyond mad at this point.

"I know, and I hate myself for it. Just let me explain"

"What is there to explain?" A sarcastic laugh came out naturally, as if you hadn't seen the half naked stranger answer the door. "I'm worth more than this Woo" You felt proud of your sudden realisation of your self-worth.

"I know that now ___" He had his pleading eyes on, but his effect wasn't stronger than your heartache.

"It's too late. I've been replaced, I should've known" His grip loosened and you took your hand away with a sad smile.

"I can't replace you ___, ever since that night, you're everywhere, you're permanent. I need you in my life" His desperation was clear as day on the way he brushed his hands through his hair.

"I'm still leaving Wooyoung..." You felt bad now, you knew it would be harder to move on than to accept his apology, but your pride wouldn't let you. Though seeing him sad always got to you.

"Just... Please baby... One more chance" He took both of your hands in his, rubbing the back with his thumbs, pulling you closer to him before he engulfed you in a hug.


You pulled away, the robotic voice getting your attention, you had barely enough time left.

Before you could say anything he pulled you in once more to give you a longing and desperate kiss, praying with his entire soul that you would stay. But eventually, you broke away with tear filled eyes.

"I'll have to think about it..." You grabbed your suitcase, preparing yourself mentally to not look back.

"Goodbye Woo"

sorry for the angst 🙊 based on Aftertaste by Shawn Mendes cause why not
hope everyone is having a nice day/night. don't be silent readers 🥺i truly appreciate anyone who votes on my dumb stories and love seeing comments

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