Song Mingi: Fluffy Pancakes

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"Mingi? Mingi! Mingi wake up I think something's burning!" You patted the space next to you still half asleep, only to find there was no one there.

You sat up slowly, still rubbing your sleepy eyes.

Mingi and you had gone out the night before to celebrate your anniversary, and you ended up going to bed pretty late. You yawned as you turned to look at the clock: 8:24 am. It's so damn early, you two had gone to sleep around 3 am, why in the heck is Mingi up at this ungodly hour?

You looked around on the floor for your pajama shorts, yes Mingi's shirt was basically a dress on you but you were not about to wonder out into the house half naked. You kind of fixed your bed-head as best as you could still rushing to go find out where the weird smell was coming from.

As you wandered into the hallway you could hear some noises from the kitchen, though if the boys were up the noises would be way louder. You lazily stumbled down the stairs, you still felt a little weak from the night before.

"Mings?" You called out for him as you walked into the kitchen.

There he was. Apron on, spatula in hand, and something burning on the stove.

"Noooo, I can't make you breakfast in bed if you're not in bed, princess!" He said as he hurriedly blocked your way to stop you from seeing what he was cooking.

The sight was pretty darn cute. You've been together for a whole year and you've known from the beggining that Mingi, much as he denies it, can't cook. It's almost a safety hazard. He tries, and that's the most endearing thing about it, but it is actually dangerous to eat his food sometimes... Pretty sure a couple of the boys have gotten a bit sick from eating his food...

But still, the fact that he tries is adorable. You smiled dearly.

"You didn't have to do this Mingi" You finally said getting closer to him.

"I know but I wanted to spoil you a little, I've been practicing my pancakes!" He replied like a very excited little boy.

"Then what's the thing that's burning there?" You pointed at the charred stuff on the pan.

He looked over to it, and back to you. "I tried making bacon... I know last time it was too raw so I tried leaving it on the stove for a little longer..." He explained looking down in embarassment.

He was way too sweet you nearly bust an uwu. You placed a kiss on his cheek and took the spatula from his hand.

"Baby, you know I love your efforts, but I'm gonna help you before Seonghwa kills us for burning down the house, okay?" You said with the most gentle tone you could to avoid making him feel bad. He nodded and let you do your thing.

You got rid of the burnt bacon and placed some fresh strips on the pan. You were moving it around when you felt Mingi tap your shoulder. You turned around only to find him standing there with the brightest gummy smile you've ever seen. He was holding a plate with a suprisingly tall stack of pancakes. You stopped yourself from looking too shocked.

"You... You made these?" You asked pointing the spatula at his plate.

"I did! All on my own!" He giggled, taking a pancake and prompting you to take a bite.

At first you were hesitant but he was being so confident about it, you didn't want to deny his work so you took a decent sized bite. "Oh my... Mingi, that's... actually really good!"

The second he heard those words, he started doing a bit of a celebration dance, which left you admiring his excitement.

"You really think so? I tried making them fluffier, the way you like them" He was still smiling as cutely as ever, like the big ball of fluff he is.

You nodded, taking another mouthful of pancake. "Mhm, I love it"

Mingi put down the plate and cupped your cheeks with his big hands. "And I love you ___" He pecked your forehead and let you finish up the bacon as he prepared the table for you two to eat breakfast together.

The two of you shared Mingi's delicious pancakes. The rest of the boys began waking up one by one, and Mingi and you laughed at their shocked reactions when you told them the pancakes they were tasting were made by him.

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