Kang Yeosang: Noted

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"I swear to god if this gets me killed..."

I thought to myself, continuing to drive to whatever mistery destination Wooyoung was sending me to. You'd think that after being friends for so long I wouldn't have to deal with him being all cryptic. Who leaves mystery notes like it's a teen drama movie these days anyway?

Once I pull over to the given address, I let out a relieved breath. Thankfully, Crescent Moon Books & Café doesn't sound too dangerous.

Now, what am I supposed to be doing here? No clue. But if I can find a good book and get some caffeine into my system I will not complain.

I walk in looking like a 5 year old that lost her mom at the store. The place is actually really cozy, not too big and not incredibly small, light coming in through the windows and a heartwarming smell coming from the joined coffee shop at the back of the store.

I send a polite smile to the clerk behind the register making my way further into the book-filled shelves. The note didn't specify what I'm supposed to do or find here, but knowing Wooyoung like I do, he's got some type of plan.

I quickly give up on roaming the aisles, after all, there's not much I can do with so little information.

I walk towards the section I believe will have the one I'm looking for. After a little scanning, I spot the familiar blue cover. Stargirl. It's been one of my favourites for a while and reading it never fails to put a smile on my face.

I take it and make my way into the reading area right outside the café. I order some hot chocolate and go find a seat in one of the sofas immediately opening the book to one of my favourite chapters. There were a few orders before mine so might as well make myself comfortable.

"Um... Excuse me?" Not really sure if he was talking to me, but the quiet voice caught my attention, making me look up from the pages. I look for the voice and there it was, sitting a couple meters to my right.

That could easily be one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen dear Lord.

I simply nod, partly to prompt him to go on, and partly becuse I don't think I can form coherent sentences right now. His blond, slicked back hair is having quite the effect on me, and the classy businessman outfit is certainly not helping.

In his hands rests The Little Prince. A classic. He's got taste too.

I quickly realise I've been staring at him for more than the time one would consider appropriate.

"Is-is that any good?" The unknown pretty guy stutters a little, trying to look anywhere but my eyes.

Is that what I think it is? Is he... nervous? Why? I don't think I've ever seen such a pretty human being nervous and he doesn't give off the impression of the shy type. For some reason it's kind of refreshing.

I shake my different guesses as to why he's acting this way out of my head and nod with a smile. "It's one of my favorites, so yes, I'd have to say it is"

I notice him struggling to come up with something to say. "Do you want to know what it's about?" I ask almost as a suggestion for him to take, and he nods eagerly, his gaze thanking me for keeping the conversation alive.

I'll admit I may be being a little selfish. Sure, I didn't want him to feel awkward, but I mostly cared about talking about my favorite things and being able to stay in his presence.

I start rambling a little about the plot line, gosh he's being a good sport, not a lot of people put up with me talking.

"...So then Leo meets this new girl, Stargirl, and yes that's her real name-" I stop my rambling when I feel his piercing gaze on me, I was too busy gesturing to notice it before. I turn to look at him, his soft smile never leaving his lips.
"Sorry, I get a little excited sometimes.."

He giggles a little as he tilted his head to one side. Cute.
"I've never understood why we apologize for our own happiness as if it is some sort of nuisance"

I can't help my smile, how else am I supposed to react to that?
"I'm ___" I introduce myself trying way too hard to not show my flustered state.

"I know"


-Yeosang's POV-

Well done you creep, you couldn't have chosen a more wrong answer. Okay okay, it's not too late, say literally anything else.

"I mean, I was sent to find you"

Nope, wrong again. Her expressions are getting more weirded out by the second. THINK FAST.

I shake my head trying to collect my thoughts.

"That sounded horrible I'm sorry. Let me explain... a friend of mine told me about this amazing girl I just HAD to meet" I pause for a second to scan her face, making sure she didn't think I was some bookstore pervert. "He left me some cryptic note to come meet you. I promise I'm not creepy, he said you'd be here".

Her furrowed brows relax, she lets out a breath and slowly her lips begin to form a smile before letting out an incredulous laugh. Thank god I might've had a heart attack.

She glances down at a piece of paper tucked between her hand and her beloved book, her expressions giving away she just got hit with some sort of realization.

-___'s POV-

Of freaking course. That loud ass weirdo had to be behind a plan like this. This sorts of meet-cutes don't just happen naturally.

"It was Wooyoung wasn't it?" I look back up at him, his sudden burst of giggles confirming your suspicions.

"He can be really sneaky sometimes" He nodded, brushing his hand through his seemingly perfect hair.

I glide my fingers over the clue I was given, almost as a way to not freak out when he scooches to sit closer to me.

"The note makes so much sense now" My eyes trailing off between the piece of paper in my hands to the book in his, to his curious eyes on me.

"The rose to your prince, the Star to your Leo. Deep in thought, shy, just needs a push for her spark to shine through" He began reciting with an elegance I don't think I've seen before, each word slipping out as if he had rehearsed it in the mirror a hundred times. It didn't even need to rhyme to have me in a trance.

I just smiled as he pulled out his clue from between the pages of The Little Prince.

"There's no way Youngie wrote that on his own, best guess Seonghwa helped him with that one" I sighed out, leaning on the armrest, gaining another one of his cute giggles that make my stomach do backflips.

"What did yours say?" Okay he did not just raise his eyebrow at me while smirking. Where did the shy guy from before go?

As intimidated I had suddenly become, there's no way I'm letting him see that.

"Museum worthy beauty is in the eye of the beholder, you may find it immersed in thoughtful innocence" I recited right back, in the same manner he had done before me, sneaking in a small smirk at the end.

His confident smirk became more cocky than anything. He's the beauty, and he knows it.

"Beauty really?" He stopped to scoff and rolled his eyes. "He thinks he's so smart"

"I'm Yeosang" He put out his hand for me to shake, a comforting smile forming on his lips.

I take his hand, sending shivers down my spine.

You know how cheesy romcoms always show you like 3 different angles of the moment the main characters have their 'love at first sight moment'? I've always found it so exaggerated, those things just don't happen.

That was, until our eyes met. Time stopped for a moment, the sparkle in his eyes had me hypnotized... And I knew that smile would ruin me.

"Nice to meet you Yeosang" He was what I didn't know I needed, or wanted.

"Nice to meet you ___"

My name had never sounded better. And it never did after hearing it out of his lips.

i feel like this one was kinda lame but i can't stop thinking of blonde ponytail Yeo in a power suit👀oops

who do you think my bias is from what you've read so far??

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