Choi San: The Intern

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(Warning: a wee bit suggestive)

Another day. Another paperwork and cheap caffeine filled day.
I step out of the elevator, a literal mountain of files weighing me down.

"Good morning ___" The nice intern says to me as I walk past one of the meeting rooms, his dimpled smile and cheery energy, paired with the classy suit, immediately giving me a boost, as always.
How he manages to be a literal ball of sunshine at 7:30 am will always be a mystery to me.

After I give him a much brighter smile than the receptionist got, I make my way to the final destination of all this paperwork.

"You doing okay bubs?" My boss' assistant asks me. She and I have grown quite close the past few months. I wasn't the common 'I was the best in my class in college' working at a big company.

To be honest, sometimes I feel like I cheated my way into this job. I wasn't that smart in high school, my grades would go up and down, mostly down, and I had to resort to other methods to actually be able to graduate... The official answer I give people is 'tutoring'.

One night, I met Nancy at a bar after a rough day of job interviews. She happened to be working here. She wasn't the greatest back in school either, so you could say we bonded over it. And so, she put in a good word for me, which did wonders landing me the position of being kind of her helping hand. Not quite an intern and not quite an assistant either. And I'll forever be thankful to her.

"Stayed up last night to finish these reports that's all" I just shrugged off the tiredness noticeable in my face.

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Well Mr. Choi is not in right now but I'll pass them on to him, go get some coffee or something to wake you up" She slid the stack of folders to her side of the desk.

I nodded thanking her.

As I walk into the break room I'm instantly welcomed in by the strong coffee smell and a smiling cutie.

"Jeez you're looking rough today" He said handing me a cup of that amazing boost my body is craving.

"Wow San, really know how to cheer a lady up" I sass back raising an eyebrow, gaining that mesmerizing dimpled smile.

"Hey you can't use sarcasm on me, I made you coffee. That's the rule, I give you caffeine, you be nice to me" He took his own cup in his hands, leaning back on the counter.

"You give me coffee cause that's kind of your job, my servant" I took a sip of the delightfully prepared drink.
Instead of the sassy comeback I usually got, he simply smirked and muttered a quiet 'sure'. Kind of out of character for him but who am I to judge.

"What's got you looking so messy anyways?" He asked, not looking too interested in the answer as his phone seemed to be getting more of his attention than me.

"Ugh, that stupid man again. I need this job but seriously, who orders to arrange files from 10 years ago in one night?! He must like people's suffering, of course he'd be the boss" I roll my eyes as I rant to the seemingly aloof guy.

"Hmm... I don't think he's that tough on everyone, maybe it's just you" San shrugged, not giving it much thought.

"What did I do to make him hate me then? I've never even met the guy" He shrugged once more not giving me any more of an answer.

We finish our drinks in silence, mentally preparing for what would be another hectic day at the office. We'd see each other in the hallways running around but neither of us having enough time out of our busy schedules.

A few hours pass, I'm completely beat from doing all kinds of useless tasks dictated by 'The Boss', and it's only Tuesday.

Making my way towards the front desk to clock out, I get pulled pretty harshly into a supply closet, a hand stopping me from making any noise.

Before I start totally freaking out his playful smile pokes through the little light coming into the crammed room.

I relax and he takes his hand away. "What the hell San? What're you doing?" I whisper-shout when I see him put his finger to his lips signaling me to hush.

"I'm hiding, duh" His eyes shooting from my eyes to the door back and forth.

"Why? And why did you drag me here?" At this point I have no idea what he could possibly be hiding from, but he didn't seem worried, more like a little kid who knows he just did something mischievous.

He looked back at me, this time noticing how close we were to each other, which was honestly making my heart race. "What? You don't like it?" He smirked, leaning in, making the distance between us almost nonexistent, his voice coming out as a whisper.

What was I supposed to respond to that?! Of course I liked it but he didn't need to know that. He's never given me the cocky, corner-you-in-a-closet vibe but dear lord this was something else.

But two can play this game.
I gathered my thoughts and put my free hand on his chest, his heart pounding possibly harder than mine. "You might be enjoying this more than me Sanie" His left hand still holding mine feeling a little bit sweaty and a slight shade of pink visible on his cheeks.

It wasn't until his eyes turned dark that I realized I might've started something I could not finish.

"So what if I am?" I whimpered as his lips met my neck, his free hand making its way to my waist.

Haha I'm in danger.

"If you want me to stop..." His voice was way lower than usual, this was a very different side of him, not a trace of that cute fluff ball was left in his body, almost like he became a different person. "Just push me away now..."

But the electric shocks running from his lips down my spine were already too many, too strong for me to ignore.
My hands seemed to move on their own trailing up his arms and around his neck.

He quickly took my invitation to continue, his lips capturing mine as his strong hands slipped under my blouse, caressing my sides, making me shiver under his touch.

A small moan came out of him when I took dominance of the kiss, pulling a little on his hair. I wasn't gonna let him turn me into a submissive little girl begging him to take me, I wanted to play a little.

His grip got tighter, one of his hands going to unclasp my bra before a knock snapped us back into the very nsfw situation going on.

I nearly jumped at the sound placing a hand over my mouth to avoid getting caught.

"Uh Mr. Choi? I don't mean to bother you but Mr. Park and his team are waiting for you..." I couldn't believe Nancy's words. This couldn't be- San is not- Is he?

He must've noticed my total loss for words. "I'll be right over!" He quickly fixed himself up, adjusting his tie and brushing his hands through his hair.

"You-" Has he really been my oh so dreaded boss all this time? It's been right in front of me and I never knew.

"That's for making me take your exams back then" He gave me an evil wink before leaving a quick but rough kiss on my lips, leaving me even more confused than I already was.  "My office, after hours. Be there"

And with that, he left. I was totally frozen in place, my messy hair and wrinkled clothes would be hard to explain.

Who knew that smart ass kid I couldn't even bother to remember would end up having me wrapped around his finger?

im sorry but CEO San 👀

have a nice day everyone

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