Kang Yeosang: Play Date

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~Play Date by Melanie Martinez~

You ever think of something you'd say to your past self?
Like 'study more', 'appreciate that person more', 'don't get that awful haircut'?

Well, if I could say anything to my past self, it would be 'Don't say yes. Do not let Kang Yeosang into your life'.

Sure, a one time hook up can be fine, but ever since that one party, I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking he's got me wrapped around his little finger.

Because I am. But honestly, who isn't wrapped around his finger?

Here I was, watching from afar, sat alone at my own table, watching him gleefully joke around with his friends, not a care in the world, not even bothered to bat an eye in my direction if we crossed each other in the halls.

I knew he didn't care about me. So why did I happily, and quite desperately, attend to his every call? Every time he asked me to come over, I was there in the blink of an eye.

It's been a month. I'm sure I can't be the only one who would be tired of being nothing but a hook up to him. Or at least that's what I tell myself not wanting to accept that I was catching feelings.

Almost in automatic mode, I get up from the table still lost in my own thoughts.

I go to leave the cafeteria with my eyes glued to the floor, not noticing the group of people I was about to walk into.

"Ya! Watch where you're going, stupid" I'm not gonna say his friends are bullies, but they sure can be mean sometimes.

I look up from my feet to find his whole group staring at me. Well, all but one, to make things worse. Not even now did he care to look at me.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking" I replied, fully staring him down, almost daring him to say something, anything to at least acknowledge my existence.

I must've stared too long though. His friends started looking at each other, possibly wondering why I was so set on him but he just looked away.

"Hey Yeo, looks like the nobody has a crush on you" His friend, Wooyoung I think, said nudging him with a devilish smile on his face.

The rest of the guys began scolding Wooyoung. As mean as they could be, I was visibly upset about Yeosang's silence.

I just rolled my eyes, drilling holes into Wooyoung's head.

"Like I could ever like someone like her"

He had the coldest expression I've never seen before on him. All I could do was scoff, an incredulous chuckle escaping me.

How could the sweet, soft guy that received me with open arms and a smile at his place become this way? 'Someone like me'? As in the girl he would ask to stay over to cuddle? The one he'd do aftercare for? The one he'd make breakfast for the morning after?

Before today, I was damn sure anyone would say he liked 'someone like me'. But now? I'm not sure I even like him.

"Coward" Was the only word that came to mind. Because he was. At least in front of his friends.

I left before he could get another word in, I was definitely not in the mood to be further humiliated.

The rest of the day I'd catch glimpses of his guilty face, which for him was a lot.

I spent my way home thinking back on every moment we spent together in the past month. And the more I thought about it, the more convinced I was of the truth.

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