Jeong Yunho: Uno

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"Ready to go?"

"I'd be more ready if you told me where we are going" I give him a curious smile.

I make sure I have my keys with me, as Yunho takes my hand and guides me to his car.

Now... I love him to the core, but this tall ass baby gets these sudden outbursts of energy, and today was one of those times.

Usually I appreciate him being a happy pill so much, but waking me up on a Saturday at 8am, and not telling me what the 'emergency' is? Not my favorite.

But of course, I got up and got ready as fast as I physically could, all in a span of 20 minutes. Why? Because what Yunho wants, Yunho gets.

"What are you thinking of babygirl?" Every single damn time he uses a nickname makes my stomach do backflips, and I was obvious about it too.

He had that oh so intimidating smirk on his face, and I'm not sure if I found it attractive or terrifying.

"If you don't tell me where we're going, I'll just assume you're gonna kill me" I took his right hand in mine (a/n drive safe kids) and he gave it a little squeeze.

"I can't give you one surprise huh?" I quickly shook my head with a proud smile on my face, he gave in.

"I was thinking my place is a little too empty these days, so~" Just like clockwork, he pulls over.

"Dog pound? You're getting a dog?" I probably said that with more excitement than I intended to but oh well.

He placed a quick kiss on the back of my hand. "Nope, we are getting a dog"

He must've noticed my eyes widening like saucers since he let out the cutest giggle ever, his eyes turning into crescents.

With no more words I jumped out the car and ran towards the entrance, jumping up and down like a little kid.

To be honest, we haven't been together that long. We see each other often, and it's going really great so far.
I guess you could say we're still in the 'honeymoon phase'. It's all love and happy moments.

Is it too soon to get a pet together? Probably. But did I care? Hell no, puppies are one of the best things on the planet, and seeing Yunho with a puppy is something I need in my life.

After he was done laughing at my childish excitement, we finally went in.

We walked around for a while, considering which dog would be the best option.

"How about this one,___?" I look his way, only to find Yunho already sat down on the floor, scratching a tiny golden retriever's ears through the gate.

So of course my heart melted.

I kneel down next to him and begin giving the puppy some love too. "He looks like you, I love him already"

I got up to call an employee to start the process of taking our new child home.

"What are you gonna name him?" Yunho and I looked at each other, we had been too busy falling in love with the puppy to think of a name.

It didn't take me more than a few seconds to make up my mind. "Uno"

My boyfriend gives me a bit of side eye but knows that ultimately he won't win this argument.

"Sure, his name is Uno" He rolled his eyes before placing a peck on the top of my head.

-Time Skippy cause i'm t i r e d  i'm sorry-

"I think he likes you more than me" Yunho comes into the living room holding the mountain of things we had bought for little Uno.

Meanwhile I was already rolling on the floor with our new child jumping on top of me.

I pull it off of me and stand up to help Yunho arrange all the toys. "I'm his new eomma, of course he likes me more" I stand on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek before walking back to where I was.

And just like that, our afternoon fly by. The day was filled with cuddles, movies, and trying to stop little Uno from chewing on literally anything and everything.

But soon enough it was getting late.

I took Uno in my arms and hugged him once more before I had to leave. "Who's a good lil boy? You are!"
I'm a proud mom now okay? Leave me alone.

"Ugh I wish I didn't have to leave you" I pouted, holding him close to me. Yunho came up behind me, surrounding us both with his arms.

"So don't leave" He spoke quietly before kissing my cheek.

"I have to Yunnie" I turned in his arms, leaning on his chest instead.

"Come on, you can stay here... Move in with me" That took me by surprise. I wasn't sure if we were ready for something like this. But knowing Yunho, he probably had been thinking about this for a while.

"Are you sure?" I put Uno down, actually considering the pros and cons of this.

"Why not? We already see each other almost everyday, we'd save on rent, I would get to see your smile in the morning" He cupped my face with his hands, softly brushing his thumbs on my cheeks.

"And we have a child now, if you're not here he'll think we're separated" He simply shrugged and I couldn't help but laugh at his silly argument.

We looked into each other's eyes for a moment. His puppy eyes practically begging, and at the end of the day, there was no way I could say no to that.

"Okay" My lips starting to turn upwards.

"Okay? Is that a yes?!" If I wasn't as convinced before, his gummy smile pushed me over the edge.

"Yes, I'll move in with you Yunnie" As soon as I said that he nearly squeezed the life out of me.

We stayed glued to each other for a couple minutes, Yunho saying a few 'thank you's and 'I love you's through small kisses.

A pretty loud thud snapping us back to reality.

"JEONG UNO YOU BETTER GET DOWN FROM THERE" I just watched as my amazing boyfriend scolded the puppy retriever for climbing onto the coffee table and knocking things over.

haha my brain doesn't work anymore. tbh i'm not in love with this chapter, i apologize... but i hope the thought of Yunho with a puppy makes someone smile.

Wifey Update:
i'm in love~ guys i can't, she stayed up all night... talking to me... like??? why??? no one ever done something like that for me before 👉👈 (i scolded her tho, told her to go to sleep but she's stubborn as hell gosh i love her)

anyways, stay safe drink water think happy thoughts and i'm always here if y'all want a friend or need to talk

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