Song Mingi: Homeward Bound

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"Princess, have you seen my brown shoes?!"

You heard Mingi yell from upstairs.

"Try behind the bedroom door!"

You couldn't help but giggle, every single time the same thing, the same brown shoes in the same place always, every time he'd leave.

Your smile changed into a sad expression. He's leaving. Once again.

You should be used to it by now, but having the person you love away from you for weeks is not a fun time. Ever since he was transferred in his job, you and Mingi have been doing the long distance thing, he goes out of town for a couple weeks and comes back for a couple days at a time. You've tried convincing him of going with him but he knows you love your job and hates the idea of you quitting something you love for him. He's also thought of quitting himself but the pay is good, and would come in handy when the two of you started a family together.

"Found them!"

A couple minutes later, you heard him dragging his bags downstairs. You came out of the kitchen to help him out, and gosh how you'd miss this goofball. Time and time again, whenever your eyes fell on him, he never failed to make your heart flutter. His ruffled hair, those slender dark eyes, that adorable gummy smile that only seemed to appear when he was with you.

"Ready to go?" He nodded, you took one of his bags from him and headed out the door.


Now standing at the train station, dreading the moment you'd have to say goodbye once more.

"I'll be back soon baby, I promise" He held you close, noticing the sad look in your eyes that he knew all too well. He hated leaving, and hated the effect it had on you, but he was hopeful that one day it would all be worth it.

"I just wish you didn't have to go... or that I didn't have to stay" You subtley suggested for the nth time, wishing this would be the one when Mingi would actually agree.

He snickered at your sneaky and stubborn way of insisting you'd move for him, he knew all the possible ways you could ask that by now.

"How about some lunch? We still got plenty of time" You simply shrugged and let him lead the way into a little quaint café close to the train platform.

In little to no time, the two of you had ordered and began reminiscing of the great moments you've had together.

"Remember when your friend tried flirting with me but when he saw you he panicked?" You said in between chuckles.

"Huh? Who? When did that happen?" Mingi asked confused, shoving a piece of french toast into his mouth.

"Yunho, you know at that one office party! He didn't know what I looked like and when you went to get me a drink he appeared and tried flirting but as soon as you put your arm around me he panicked" You were really trying to hold back the laughter.

"Oh my god that was flirting?!" Mingi's eyes nearly jumped out of his head.

You nodded, chewing down on your food. "You really didn't know?"

"He never said anything. Now I'll never forget" He stated with a fake serious look, but his soft smile came back as you fed him some of your food.

Once you finished your food, you went back to the platform.

"It's almost 5 baby, you can't be late for work" Mingi said placing a hand on your cheek.

"I don't wanna leave you yet..." You pouted, hoping your cuteness would spare you.

"I'll be fine ___, I'm a big boy" He reassured you placing a kiss on your forehead.

You sighed in deafeat, he was as stubborn as you. "Call me when you arrive?"


The two of you shared one last kiss before his departure, once again fighting off the tears from falling.

You were almost out of the train station when something in your mind clicked. You were done. You would not be able to endure the torture of being apart, and you'd be caught dead before letting him go one more time.

You stop on your tracks, making a full 180 and running back to the ticket counter with barely enough time to make it back.

Your heart beating fast, not entirely sure if it was from all the running, the rash decision, the future ahead of you, or a combination of everything.

Just at the last second, right before the doors close, you jump in and make your way through the train, hurriedly scanning all the seats to find your other half. Just at the back, looking out the window with sorrow filled eyes, there he sat. His eyes instantly widening when he sees you nearing him.

"___? What are you doing?" He asked half standing up to receive you with open arms. You pressed your body against his, fitting perfectly in his embrace, a perfect match. "You should be on your way home!" He scolded you before sitting down with you by his side. As confused as he was, he would be lying if he said he didn't want you with him.

"You are my home Mingi" You looked up at him longingly, his worried face transforming into a loving smile.

"What about your job?" He hugged you tighter.

"I'm a big girl, I think I'll manage" And with that, the train started moving, there was no turning back, but you didn't care. Everything would be okay, as long as you were together.

feel free to judge me all you want but i based this on the mash-up of Homeward Bound/Home from Glee it's so good 🥺
hope you're all having a good day

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