Song Mingi: Flower Scene

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(Whatever you draw/write on your skin will appear on your soulmate's and viceversa)

Another day, another hell.

Nothing felt more bleak than having to walk down these same old halls every day. No, you weren't just another angsty teen cliché. You actually did have friends, you weren't the 'weird kid', and you actually had slightly above average grades.

But the whole routine wasn't for you. Having to go to the same place every day, see the same people, get bored to death by the same teachers.

"Hey Joo, I'll text you later okay?" You hung up the phone before walking into your next class.

At this point, the only thing that kept you going was that once you were finished with school, you'd be able to go live with Jooheon, your brother. The two of you are still pretty close even though you don't see him that often, you talk on the phone almost everyday whenever he's not too busy.

"Hey ___" Your best friend greeted you, pulling out the chair next to yours.

You greeted her with a smile. "What's up Nari? Ready for today's torture?" The sarcasm was painfully clear in your voice as you rolled your eyes.

Soon enough you started doodling on your hands. You weren't that great at it, but drawing or even making small doodles could always lighten your mood. Besides, you had, what you thought to be a rather childish, hope that whoever had your doodles on their skin could feel the same way.

Soon enough, time had fled, class was nearly over and you had filled half your forearm with a bit of a flower scene, sunflowers, daisies and lavender, all in pen ink. A little too girly for your taste? Maybe, but you've done worse, so you actually didn't mind it.

The bell rang pulling you out of your tranquil state of mind. You let out a sigh of content before pulling your sleeve down.

"Ready to go?" Nari asked getting up and taking her bag. Lunch time. You simply nodded in response and packed your stuff.

Now in the cafeteria, and with a bit of free time you texted Jooheon.

A couple seconds later you got his call. The cafeteria was a little noisy so you put him on speaker phone, though still not so loud that anyone could hear.

"What's good kid?" You heard him making his gangsta voice, you could only scoff.

"You're with the guys aren't you?" You shared a look with Nari. The both of you knew he would only use that voice if he was with his members when you called, especially if they were teasing him.

"No... Maybe" His voice softened. Nari and you laughed. He acted all tough but was actually a softie.




Ugh, every damn day. Every single day it was the same stupidity with Mingi and his friends. Always making some kind of mess to get attention. Seriously how can a person be so freaking loud??

"Sounds like someone's getting killed" Jooheon laughed through the phone.

"So annoying" Nari and you said in unison rolling your eyes.

"Uh ___, I gotta go, Minhyuk is trying to prank Hyungwonie again. Talk when you're home?"

All you could say was 'sure' before you heard Joo screaming at Minhyuk, then he hung up.

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-Mingi's POV-

Every damn day.

I'm tired of this. I actually like the doodles. These guys don't have to be such jerks about it.

Do I know who's making the drawings? Maybe....

Am I glad it's her cause she's the embodiment of everything I never knew I needed? Yeah I think so.

Have I been quiet about it cause I'm scared she won't like me as much as I like her? Pretty much.

I found out a few weeks ago, we're together in a couple of classes, but I doubt she knows that. I caught her scribling on her hand, and a few seconds later some lines appeared on mine. A tiny treasure chest. I spent all class hiding my hand and wondering what made her think of it.

Since then I've just admired her little ink works. I don't think she's ever spoken to me, and I was aware my friend's craziness were not of her taste, so I settled with admiring.

That is until today. The guys have been pushing me to do something about it, and I hate to admit, maybe I needed that push. The flower garden was something new, for some reason it made me finally gain up the courage.

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-Normal POV-

Most people hate math. Not you, you actually think Physics is the devil's work.

The teacher started speaking big, boring words, which meant it was time for you to faze out.

You rolled up your sleeve to see what else your mind could come up with, but you were suprised to see lines getting sketched.

~We're closer than you think~ Written in blue ink below the lavender you did.

Kinda creepy not gonna lie, but still very much intriguing.

You searched around you with a confused look on your face. Your eyes scanned every single person in your surroundings before settling on the only person looking back at you. Sitting a couple places away from you, there he was, with his arm out facing you and a blue pen in his hand.

Mingi?  You thought to yourself as your brain filled with more questions than answers.

~Thanks for the flowers, I'll get you some too, maybe tonight?~ The scribling quickly appeared on your arm.

It made you giggle a little, honestly. You looked up at him, his lips pressed up in a shy smile. You shook your head and replied. ~Cute... I'd like that~

You watched as he read the words on his arm, a big proud smile on his face, he moved around a little like he couldn't believe his own eyes.

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